Early Morning Adventure Exploring Caves in Vang Vieng Laos! Part One

One thing you'll quickly learn in Vang Vieng Laos, is that on a sunny day, it's blistering hot in the afternoon. It's the kind of heat, humidity, and sun that zaps your strength; so I've been getting up at 5:00am and doing activities on my own. This is an early morning adventure from just the other day.

Heading out around 5:30 am while the sun is just coming up, I capture this photo demonstrating traditional Lao life along with the growing tourist industry represented by the rising hot air balloon in the background.

Happy with my real life photo I continue over the Orange Bridge, crossing the Nam Song River.

The early morning view of the mountains.

I got this photo from atop a stair case along the mountain side.

At the top this cave was inaccessible at 6am.

I soon came across this Lagoon. You can swim under the water and it opens into a cave area.

In the same area there was a small cave with a Buddha Shrine inside. Many caves have Buddhas placed inside of them in Laos.

I soon find myself on a trail leading to this strange area. Look what I find still bedded down from the night.

I decide not to cross the bridge and see the caves along the side of the mountain.

I continue on the hardened mud trail worn down by the cows. I see an opening into the mountain but it doesn't seem like much.

I come around a corner and find myself looking right into a cave.

It's not even 7:00 am now, using my phone as a flash light I enter the cave and crawl through a long tunnel which this video leads up to.

A cave chamber opens up and I see I can go on further climbing up a broken ladder, but I felt unsafe doing so and turned back.

Feeling a little bit of claustrophobia and adrenaline, I soon see light!

The trail continues and so does this post. See part two here.

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