Hey there my Steemit friends. I took so many photos at the Yellow Green Farmers Market in Hollywood Florida this has turned into a seven part series! As I walked around and photographed booth after booth I found myself talking a lot about steemit and explaining what I do.
Once the words "travel" "food" and "blog" came out of my mouth the shop owners often got very excited. "oh oh take a photo. Where can I see it online?" They would ask. I'd tell them about steemit and say "You never know it might get seen by some people and be good for your business."
I'm pretty sure that is what they were not only thinking but hoping as well. So the photo shoot ran long and not only am I happy to share all these great real life photos with my steemit friends I'm happy to keep my word and have their small business posted online.
The food was excellent and the people were so nice. Now let's have another look at who was selling what at the Yellow Green Farmers Market in Ft. Hollywood Florida USA!

Not To be Missed!
Real Life Captured #63: Guayaquil Ecuador! Part Four (10 photos and one video!)
Travel Pro Gear #5: Three Travel Pro Items You Need to be Travel Pro!
Real Life Captured #62: Yellow Green Farmers Market in Hollywood Florida USA! Part Five (14 photos)
Travel Pro Hotel Cooking #1: Thai Red Curry Chicken Soup! In a Hotel in Quito Ecuador! (19 photos)
With over 11 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a Steemit post just for you!