Travel Pro Adventure #3: Lost in Railey Peninsula Thailand! Part Two ( 22 photos)

The adventure continues my Steemit friends, right where we left off yesterday. Where we took the Thai long tail boat from Krabi Town to Railey Peninsula, via the Andaman Sea. We checked out a beautiful cave, saw some rock climbers, and found the path to Tonsai Beach in Part One. Now lets head into the Jungle and see where this leads us!

We can feel the humidity of the jungle. The path comes around a bend and we start to climb up hill. There are mosquitoes suddenly all around. It's best we keep moving quickly to avoid getting bitten. So let's get going my Steemit Friends!

A quick ten minutes later and a little out of breath we reach the top of the hill and take a photo, but there are so many trees in the way blocking a good view.

The entire width of the peninsula is only about one to two kilometers so I knew it couldn't be too far before we finish the hike. We begin to go down hill for about another ten minutes then we come across this!

Looks like we are entering the back side of a small village. We continue further and check it out. This must be Tonsai!

There is no way this truck got here through the trail we were just on. The trail actually has now opened up into a rough dirt road. We continue and begin to see more and more life.

The first person we see, she smiles and waves to us. What a lifestyle, something most of us will never know or understand.

"Come come! Chicken fried rice only 40 baht!" ($1.20) A woman from inside the restaurant shouts. For one it's only 10am and we are not hungry, secondly do we trust the quality?......not really. Let's keep going.

Across the street from the restaurant we see the "Monkey Bar" and the monkey! Poor little guy. If you look closely to the right, I think that's the owner in a hammock sleeping in after a late night.

We begin to see one bamboo structure after another. Looks like they're bars and hippy jungle hostels. What an environment, what a laid back vibe. It's just after 10am it's so quiet, all we can here are birds and the sounds of the jungle.

A little further ahead we see this big bamboo bar/hostel. A Thai man and a fellow traveler from Germany are smoking herb out of makeshift bong held together with duck tape! "Hey brother!" He shouts. "Come ere' have some have are you? Where are you from?"

We get to talking with Chanchai and Emma. Chanchai was living south in the farthest southern part of Thailand near the border with Malaysia. He had no opportunity and little money. He was sharing a two bedroom house with his 10 siblings including parents and nephews and nieces.

He left about seven years ago and found Tonsai, he's been managing this bar/hostel and smoking weed to his hearts content ever since. Emma from Germany was a bit shy and struggled with her English. I believe she was a student taking a short break and traveling. She's been hanging out in this village for about a week.

We compliment Chanchai on the cool bamboo hangout and thank him for his herbal offering. I ask to take some photos so I can share this cool place with my lovely Steemit friends. The lighting wasn't good but this wasn't meant to be a photo shoot. But Let's have a look anyway.

We thank Chanchai for the tour and say goodbye to Emma and on our way out another Thai with a big smile on his face is suddenly behind the bar. We say hello.

Then in walks Eric; a fellow American from California. He's not starting his new job until next month, so he decided to hop a flight to Thailand and hangout here for three weeks. We quickly made friends and he wanted to show us around the village. So next time in part three we'll enjoy a fascinating tour of this place, see some incredible street art, then be blown away by the natural beauty of Tansai Beach! We still haven't gotten lost yet! Thanks for coming along my Steemit friends. Looking forward to continuing the adventure in part three tomorrow!

Not To be Missed!

Travel Pro Adventure #2: Lost in Railey Peninsula Thailand! Part One (45 Incredible Travel Photos!)

Travel Pro Update: Around the World and Back to Ecuador! (21 travel photos!)

Travel Pro Super Foods #6: Coconuts!

Real Life Captured #19: Weekend Night Market in Chiang Mai Thailand! Part Two (18 photos)

With over 10 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a Steemit post just for you!

Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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