Travel Pro Deals #1: Three Travel Pro Deal Items Found in Ecuador!

Hey there my Steemit friends! One of my favorite things about traveling is finding Travel Pro Deals. Each country offers something to the world in the form of goods and products. Often when you are in the country that produces these items they are incredibly inexpensive compared to what you may be paying in your home country as an import.

Ecuador is famous for having a very strong agricultural economy. They grow everything here from coffee and cacao to beef and bananas. Finding quality food in this country is not only easy it's incredibly affordable, so affordable the prices may shock you!

Part of the inspiration for this series is that when I was recently back in my home country of the United States the prices did shock me, but not in a good way. I came from Thailand where I could get high quality meat and produce for very little, it seemed to be the exact opposite back in the states.

I really want to show my steemit friends how the price of a product in one country may be incredibly different in another. Now let's go ahead and start this series off with some of the foods I've been enjoying here in Guayaquil Ecuador!

Rib-Eye Steak

This is a top quality Rib-Eye "Tomahawk" grass fed, grain finished steak grown in Ecuador normally for export. They are now recenlty selling this item in the high end Super Maxi grocery stores around the country for about $3.50 a pound. You certainly are not getting this quality in most countries at this price.

I was so happy to find this Travel Pro Deal I bought three of them. Normally the steak in this country is cut oddly and is a bit tough but not this brand and cut of meat. As you can see I cooked this myself in my hotel room. I was happy to do so as you simply can't even find this quality of steak at a restaurant in Ecuador other than at the Hilton for forty dollars. Not only was this a Travel Pro Deal, it was a super Travel Pro Find!


Walnuts, one of the healthiest nuts on the planet! They are loaded with Omega-3 fats and very tasty. At the local open air markets you can buy a pound of them for six dollars. They'll weigh them out right in front of you. I asked where they were grown, and turns out they are an import from Chili. So I can only imagine what the price of the nuts are in that country. I'll let you know when I get there in a month or two.


These little bananas are some of my favorite kind in the world. They are the perfect snack size compared to eating a bigger banana and either saving some for later or eating the whole thing. This bunch of eight only cost 40 cents at the local open air markets. If you're tight on cash, this can be a good food to keep you going all day on less than a dollar!

My Steemit friends, I hope you found my new Travel Pro Deals series interesting. Comments are welcome. Until next time. -Dan "World Travel Pro!"

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With over 11 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a Steemit post just for you!

Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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