Travel Pro Health #3: Ginger

In Chiang Mai Thailand I recently bought 2,000 empty capsules at a pharmacy. I packed them with all sorts of good things saving me hundreds of dollars making them myself vs purchasing them from a health store back home in the states. Besides turmeric and half a dozen other herbs, I got my hands on some powdered ginger. Here they mix it with hot water and make a tea, but it's nothing more then ginger in powder form.

This packet got me about 200, 500mg capsules. It cost me only 20 baht or about 60 cents and the 200 capsules were less than a dollar. Doing it myself, we're talking huge savings! Who does this? A budget traveler would and it's very "travel pro!" It took me an hour or two to pack them. Here is how I did it. (turmeric photos)

Ginger was a great choice and I'm already feeling the benefits. Ginger is an incredible digestive aid. It can even be used to treat nausea or morning sickness. It reduces muscle pain and soreness. It's anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-cancer, helps balance blood sugar and is good for the cardio vascular system helping reduce bad cholesterol.

I started taking these supplements to maintain optimum health as I travel the globe. Being in good physical condition is a big requirement to live the travel lifestyle and not exhaust oneself; and ginger is a key tool in the "Travel Pro" health kit.

Stay tuned to my "Travel Pro Health Series" to see what other incredible herbal supplements I made myself while in Chiang Mai Thailand. Until next time. Dan "World Travel Pro!"

Not To be Missed!

Travel Pro Health #2: Turmeric

Travel Pro Health #1: Making Your Own Supplements for Pennies on the Dollar in Chiang Mai Thailand

Travel Pro Tip #22: Get a Massage from the Blind in Thailand

Real Life Capture #16: Food Markets in Chiang Mai Thailand Part Three (16 photos)"

With over 10 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a video just for you!

Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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