Travel Pro Super Foods #8: Star Fruit in Florida!

My steemit friends! So many fruits are super! I mean real super foods! Packed with all sorts of essential vitamins and minerals. If there ever was an answer to processed foods, fruit would probably be it! There is nothing better than picking ripe fruit right off the tree and eating it. This is what I got the pleasure of doing while staying at Uncle Kenny's house in Ft Lauderdale Florida for a few days.

In his backyard he has a star fruit tree also called carambola. This thing was just overflowing with star fruit. In fact it was weighing down the branches, and actually broke a couple. Being into good nutrition I was excited to lighten that starfruit load, so I probably ate a good dozen of them in the four days I was there. They were fresh and delicious!

Not only do they taste good they are super healthy. They are high in fiber and water content yet low in calories; there for they fill you up while assisting you in loosing weight and improving digestion. One cup of starfruit contains four grams of fiber!

Star fruit has a low glycemic index, meaning it does contain sugar and carbs but it does not spike your insulin like white bread or rice. It gives you a smooth balance of energy without effecting your mood or giving you a sugar high or crash afterwards.

It's very heart healthy having a lot of potassium and very little sodium. This relaxes and balances your blood pressure. One cup contains 176 milligrams of potassium and just 2.6 milligrams of sodium the perfect food for anyone suffering from high blood pressure.

Star fruit is loaded with vitamin C and just one cup offers more than 75% of the daily recommended intake. The antioxidants in vitamin C is essential for the immune system and combating cancer causing free radicals. It's also high in vitamin A which supports eye health and is good for your skin and hair!

Last but not least star fruit is a good source of magnesium. This important mineral has been known to improve the quality of sleep; allowing you to wake up in the morning feeling fresh and rested. So if you're having trouble sleeping consider including some star fruit into your diet.

All this from a simple fruit growing in Uncle Kenny's backyard. Not only should you start eating this "Travel Super Food" you may want to consider planting a tree in your yard if your climate allows for it! Until next time. -Dan "World Travel Pro!"

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With over 11 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a Steemit post just for you!

Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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