Travel Super Foods #5: Passion Fruit in Laos

Passion fruit, with a name like that it must be good! I bought three fruits like this the other day at the morning market in Luang Prabang Laos. You want them to have some wrinkles on it, that means it's ripe and sweet. Three of these delicious little guys cost me about 60 cents.

To eat them you cut near the end of one side, leaving the majority of it in what turns into a mini-bowl. Then you spoon out the insides and enjoy. Essentially you have little black seeds encased in a juicy membrane. They have a sweet and tart flavor but the riper they are the more sweet and less tart. I've enjoyed passion fruit like this all over Southeast Asia and Latin America, they are nutritious and delicious!

What makes these guys so super? For starters they are packed full of antioxidants and vitamin C helping protect you from cancer while supporting your immune system in general. They are high in potassium helping regulate blood pressure. They are a good source of fiber, aiding in digestion while cleansing the intestines and colon.

They are rich in vitamin A which is great for your eyes. They are high in iron which helps those suffering from anemia. It has anti-inflammatory properties making it good for those suffering from joint pain, arthritis, and asthma. It also contains medicinal alkaloids which have been proven to improve mood, sleep, and depression. For all these reasons and more passion fruit is truly a Travel Super Food!

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Photo Credit: World Travel Pro!

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