There are so many factors that determine where you will travel and for how long. Where you dream of going is one, but then you have to consider budget, air fare, future destinations, and specific dates you may need to be somewhere. You also have to consider if you are ok with hostel dorms or you need to stay at the Hilton; and will you sacrifice comfort to stay on budget?
I travel with more of a budget; but I found I can live for months at a time at $500 US or under with a private room, food, and a little extra for spending in many places around the world. One of the best deals I've had is a furnished one bedroom apartment with with new appliances including a washing machine. All utilities and internet were included too for $190 in Vilcabamba, Ecuador. Food was about $30 per week. When you can make a deal and travel slowly, often cook for yourself, staying in this budget is very doable. As a couple it doesn't bring the expense up that much as good quality food in many parts of the world is often incredibly affordable.
When you run out of cash, you run out of luck. Here is a list of countries and regions that I'd be able to live in for $500 or less comfortably. Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru, Guatemala, Colombia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Thailand, parts of India, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia. What other countries do you think could go on this list?
If you have more of a budget maybe $1,000 a month, you can start traveling Eastern Europe, Parts of Russia, S. Korea, Chili, Argentina, Brazil, Panama, Costa Rica, Parts of China, Africa, and the Middle East.... Then you get into the higher budget destinations, just a bed in a dorm can often be over 20 dollars a night. This is most of Western Europe and the United States, Japan, Hong-kong, Australia, New Zealand, Canada. To be comfortable you'd probably need $1,500 to $2,000 per month.
Once you analyze your budget and what comfort means to you, it's time to make a decision on where it makes sense to go. You'll probably spend lots of time reading up on specific places you'd like to visit in the region you have chosen. You'll want to study details about climate, high season, low season, holidays, hotel price ranges, visas, culture, and things to do and see.
You'll want to spend a good amount of time studying general air fare to this part of the world and the low cost local carriers that service the region. For example in Colombia you can fly for as little as 25 dollars with Viva Colombia, South East Asia has cheap tickets with similar prices with Air Asia and Nok Air. For more info on buying tickets here is a great article I did all about how to find the best tickets.
The strategy at this point would be to cross the region of the world based on geographical ease of access from one point to the next, length of visa, and cheap air travel routs. Stay on budget through smart travel decisions and negotiation. Enjoy and experience! This is much of how I plan a long term travel rout. How about you?

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With over 10 years of travel experience I answer travel and international lifestyle questions. Leave a question in the comments and I may make a video just for you!