Travel Update: Hanging Out in Bangkok with the Thai Veterinarian I Made Friends with on the Airplane

This is Pup, his real name I can't pronounce correctly, can you? It's Nontapat Vanichanon. He is one of the nicest people I've met in a while. Strange and worldly powers put me next to him on the plane from Doha Qatar to Bangkok. He is a local here. He is a recent graduate of a veterinarian school and both his parents are dentists. For us being from two different worlds, it's incredible how well we got along and how much we have in common.

We exchanged emails on the plane and on my second day in Bangkok we made plans to meet at 11:00 am at one of the biggest shopping plazas in the country. He helped me buy a new camera and we spent the whole day touring the city, until he had to meet his girlfriend for dinner at 6:00pm. Here are some photos from our day together.

Here is the very kind man who sold me my new (used) camera I bought in MBK mall for 50 dollars. With steemit posts in mind I got this barely used one year old 16 mega pixel Samsung camera. He had the honor of the first photo with my new toy.

We walked miles and miles all over the city. For comic relief he showed me some seedy district called Silom which I'll spare you the photos promoting prostitution. But we spent a decent amount of time in different air conditioned shopping plazas as it was very hot outside

Here is Pup posing in front of one of his favorite restaurants, an all you can eat "shabu shabu" buffet. You sit down with a boiling pot of broth and take food off the conveyor belt going by and add it to your soup. Only 10 dollars all you can eat!

Earlier in the day we went street food/restaurant hopping at a couple different places. I was in his world so this is where he brought me. Below is us having a simple yet delicious dish of chicken and rice ($1.50 each). Then at a different place we enjoyed "sum tum" a spicy under-ripe papaya salad with sticky rice ($2). We also got a couple pork sticks (30 cents each) which I forgot to photo. Shame on me.

Soon we found ourselves at an art gallery. Every single piece of art was of the King.

Soon it was time to say goodbye. Since I enjoy walking around new places so much I decided to walk the 4.2 kilometers back to my hotel, a slightly different rout than the walk I did on my way to meet him earlier in the day. Suddenly the sky opened up and I found myself next to this guy under a cross walk for about half an hour waiting for the storm to pass.

By the time I got a move on it was dark, but the king was still lit up!

Finally I made it back to Koh San Rd where my day began.

Feeling in need of a good message, I took a shower then walked half a block from my hotel to this place. For 200 baht or six dollars US. I got a relaxing Thai massage.

Later today I'll be meeting up with @fitinfun, a California girl who has found peace and healthy living in Bangkok.

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