Today we will take closer look at Panama from a budget traveler's perspective. To get right to the point; Panama is not a good place for budget travelers. It's a good place to launder money, gamble, go scuba diving, and stay in high end resorts; like the new Trump International as you see above.

Panama does not rate high on the Backpacker Paradise Scale, which you can learn more about here.

Backpacker Paradise Score = 1.5
Affordability= 1
Food= 1
Culture = 1.5
Safety = 2.5
Activities = 2
Hotel Value= 1.5
Transportation = 2


I like to stick to an average daily budget of about twenty US dollars a day to stay comfortable; meaning private room and decent food. Traveling from Colombia to neighboring Panama, I was forced to fly, due to the Darian Gap, an area of impenetrable jungle bordering Colombia. 

So right off the bat there is no cheap land crossing from this side. From this point on, I buckled into a situation where I would be spending much more, and receiving much less in comparison to neighboring countries like Colombia, Ecuador, and Nicaragua.

Frankly, I blew my budget every day to the tune of about 40 dollars spent per day. I could not find a room that was not disgusting for less than twenty dollars a night, in both locations I visited; Panama City and Bocas del Torro (Islands in the north west of the country).

The food was so-so at best and expensive, equal or more than US prices. A plate of typical Panamanian food was often found for 5 dollars. Consisting of mostly rice and potatoes with a little meat, hardly a vegetable in sight. Where just a day earlier I was paying $2.50 in Colombia with better quality and options.

I was met with sticker shock around every corner. A cab ride from the air-port to town (only form of transportation from Panama Pacifico Airport) was $15 dollars shared (solo, $25) where in Colombia or Ecuador it would have been $3. Buses were more expensive, more crowded, and the service was unfriendly and rude. Again pay more, get less.

Through out my time in Panama and everywhere I went, I was surrounded by a culture I found unattractive, rude, and thuggy. The people seemed quite miserable in general. A sea of tattoos, mohowks, and hats on sideways. Even while in a Chinese owned supermarket in Bocas del Torro I got to hear a father and son argument, laden with one F-bomb after another, they were the owners.

For activities people come here to scuba dive, and other nature related stuff. Will cost you big out of the pocket. There's other countries way better for these kind of activities and much more affordable.

Beside looking at the Panama Canal, which basically looks like a typical river; another disappointment. One big attraction is the San Blas Islands, where you can enjoy white powdery sand beaches and experience the native tribes of the Kuna population. Not only is it a pain to get there, basically the only way in or out is with a guided tour, and will cost over $250 per person for three days and two nights.....typical of Panama.

San Blas Islands

My experience in Bocas Del Torro were so so beaches, and being hassled to take expensive dive tours every time I walked down the street. I mean rude and aggressively, nasty dirty looks and comments when I politely said no, were sometimes the response; that could be applied when offered weed and food as well. Yes, I often could not walk around Bocas Town without getting offered weed at least once by the most shady looking of people.

Beach in Bocas del Torro

In Bocas del Torro, the food was expensive and so were the accommodations. I found many young backpackers here getting drunk, seems as if they had a lot of their parents money to burn; and they had no problem doing so. The average price for a private room was in the $50 dollar range, shared dorms were about $15-20. I got lucky and found a decent place for $20 dollars a night, a total fluke.

In summary, Panama offers first world prices and third world service; there for I give Panama two big thumbs down! There was no backpacker paradise to be found in Panama. I was so disappointment I cut my trip short and headed west into Costa Rica.

Side note: As the World Travel Pro on steemit I am here to report on reality and truth, how I have experienced it. If you are looking for feel good entertainment, about how everywhere and everything is wonderful you should look elsewhere.

For a more positive World Travel Report see last weeks report on Ecuador here.

Next Sunday I will be reporting on Nicaragua, and yes it certainly scores better than Panama.

Keep an eye out for my World Travel Reports "Paradise Hot Spot" during the week.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to up-vote, follow, resteem!


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