Photostory - Becoming a writer through traveling (13) – Writingamigo becomes the worst bartender ever to step on Earth.

Writingamigo and G decided to stay in San Marcos and experience life from hippies’ point of view. They needed some work, though… and they got it.

That day should be written in history as a day when the worst bartender of human history was born. Yup, Writingamigo became a bartender.

To put it in perspective, Writingamigo had never tried alcohol in his life… and he was making drinks for others. Once, he managed to spill 50 liters of boiling coffee into elevator full of people… and now he was carrying food. Overall, Writingamigo was that guy who would prove everyone wrong, if they believed that something was unbreakable. However, Writingamigo might have been terrible at serving, but was good at eating, and also he was super friendly.

So, first day. First 5 minutes. A guy comes and wants to pay by his card. Writingamigo doesn’t know how to do it. He makes poor guy pay in cash.

A little embarrassing, but it happens. I will do better from now on.

thought Writingamigo, and after 5 minutes he brought the wrong dish to a lovely vegetarian couple. Good thing that they did not notice this blunder and that the dish was vegetarian. Bad thing, the other guy was waiting for 40 minutes and was a little pissed. Worst thing, Writingamigo later messed up the order for the same guy again, and the guest had to wait once more.

However, he learned a new lesson: If you buy someone a beer after you screw up, it makes things much smoother and anger disappears.

Writingamigo was glad that he is staying in a peaceful town, full of hippies, where nobody really cares about little mistakes, and as long as you are nice, you are fine. Writingamigo really thought that it is right kind of way to live your life.

We are all not perfect, so why be mad about it?

This kind of attitude helped Writingamigo improve much faster, and by the end of the week he became bearable. By the end of the month he was already average, and before leaving he was a legend at the bar, who could confidently serve people.

That is how Writingamigo started to appreciate everyone’s effort in making this world beautiful, and it did not matter if it was a bartender, CEO of a huge company, or a doctor. Writingamigo knew that as long as people are nice to one another, everyone is equally important.


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