Caruao and La Sabana, sea and river in the Caribbean

For a few years I have not taken a vacation, so I could not refuse an invitation that I had received days ago to go to Caruao Parish, in Vargas State, to spend a few days in peace with a very dear friend.


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We left Caracas on Saturday, August 18, and returned on Tuesday, the 21st, afternoon.

Caruao municipality is located northeast of Caracas, on the other side of the mountain range of the coast and the distance to then is just over 100 km, a trip which, due to the characteristics of the paths, takes about two and a half hours in a car.

Caruao was founded in the 17th century and its economy was always based on the cultivation of sugarcane, cocoa and coffee. The predominant culture is Afro-descendants, so the main festival in the whole region is that of San Juan Bautista, which is celebrated with the rhythm of the drums. Today, tourism is an important source of income for the region.


The municipality consists of 7 villages and there are three rivers that have their access to the sea. Each of them bears the name of one of these towns: Caruao, La Sabana and Chuspa.

We would stay in a house in the city of Caruao.

Through an almost secret entrance you enter the area where the house is located. A beautiful house with very large rooms, although we had chosen an open space as a bedroom, where fresh air was always blowing, at night the stars could be seen and in the morning you could wake up with the sight of a rainbow.

View of the parking lot and the central part where we slept

One of the facades and again the same, but with an interesting shadow


Although we did not have a clear view of the sea, we could see it through a slit, but we could have a look at other beauties, like this moon in broad daylight.



Hooks, hammocks and the guards, the Blonde and Firulo.


As I mentioned, Caruao is as much the name of the community as the name of one of the town and one of its rivers.

It's a very beautiful village and it's very well maintained. Its central area is the beach area, where a pretty nice square welcomes tourists, with symbols that emphasize Caribbean descent.

As is customary throughout the country, the church and Plaza Bolivar are basic centers of this population.


Santa Rosa de Lima church, in Caruao


Square in homage to the Father of the Nation




The Caruao River flows directly into the sea on this beach, which is one of the most popular and crowded. At the eastern end of the coast we find the estuary, the maiden of Coromoto and the main resort.





La Sabana

This town is considered the capital of the municipality (parish) and is largely a political center, where the hospital is located.


The church in the village of La Sabana


The Plaza Bolívar (Bolivar square of La Sabana)


Funny sign indicating the location of the square, the civilian headquarters and the hospital


The day we visited this beach was almost lonely, but among the few there was a kayak practitioner who challenged the waves


We went to the mouth of the La Sabana River and noticed that at that time the water stagnated that there was no exit to the sea.


A boy and his horse were from the little company we had. The sweaty horse also took a bath


Trunk with moss, beauties that only nature can do


As I explained, the river had no exit to the sea, but while we were there, an outlet began to open. We, very naive, wanted to drag from the side of the river to the sea through the channel that opened, without noticing that this "small" channel had hundreds of thousands of liters that were dammed up and that our "game" almost could turn into something else. Never underestimate the power of water.


The La Sabana river after opening its way to the sea.


This group of small birds had a beach holiday on the banks of the river


The gannets outweigh the sea

After we finished this short holiday, on the way back we took advantage of the rivers, which are abundant in the region.



Except for the map with the given source, all other pictures were made by me with my Huawei CM990 phone

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