Hitchhiking adventures in Italy - Bracciano #2

I have made two posts about the first part of the journey in my first days on steemit. Some shots taken in Ostia Antica, the ancient harbour of Rome and how my friend and me got there. Today I thought: Why not tell you more about this amazing journey.

The second place we arrived to by train... Yes, not hitchhiking like in the title, but the journey was mainly hitchhiking, so I decided to use this title, eventhough we also left Bracciano by train. Also, as I just read in my travel diary, we forgot to buy a trainticket from Rome to Bracciano because we thought the metro ticket was enough, so in the end we could save the money for the ride.

The first thing you recognize when you arrive to Bracciano is an enourmosly great perfume that millions of flowers contibute to the scenery.

Of course after the arrival we wanted to go for a nice bath in lago the Bracciano. It has this very clean and beautiful water. I already knew about the place, because I had visited it with school a view years before and enjoyed it a lot. First we needed to walk all the way down to the lake. So many beautiful things are to discover in this enchanted town.

Of course we decided to stay for more than one night, so we needed to find a place to put our tent. After a long discussion we could stay at a place that was actually a carparking lot but had a little grassy area. It was super close to the lake and also on the direct way up to the castle.

I really enjoyed walking around in those charming piazzas and to discover all those beautiful details.

You hardly find true 90° ankles here, which is so pleasant for the eyes when you live in Berlin and you are used to looking at flat beton walls.

Whenever you could glipse the lake you were instantly feeling the wish to jump in. It was very hot that days. 05.-07.06.2014

Saying Goodbye to this lovely place was not easy...

I hope you enjoyed my story and the pictures. In the next post I will tell you about the amazing town of Viterbo, which was our next place to visit and how we got from there to wonderful Tuscania.

Lots of Light and Love <3

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