Hello, guys. I wrote a post some time ago about studying in China, what you have to do, which exams you should take et cetera. I also wrote that I won the scholarship, and therefore I'm typing it in China, Chongqing! Thank God, steemit is not blocked here. Not yet, I guess. 

I haven't bought an action cam yet, but I have already taken some photos which I want  to share with you, guys :)

Let's take a very quick and brief tour around some places in Chongqing

If you go out of the dormitory you can see these road signs everywhere, the character means "slow, slowly". It is just funny seeing it around.

Firstly, let's hunt for some Chinese products at the local market, well, bazaar, Ciqikou. But never mind the goods, there is a statue of a girl with her peeing son! The name is exactly the same! 

That's how Ciqikou houses look like if you're facing their backs. 

Okay, let's grab some Chinese, I guess everything is delicious here! As you can see, it is fried potatoes with the ketchup, pierced by a stick. Extremely tasty, must try. 

If you go to the subway for more than 10 stations, you will find yourself in the very very center of Chongqing, which is full of fashion shops, expensive fast foods, beautiful statues and, of course, people.

Yep, photos are a bit blurry, but I was looking for action, movement to show vividness and expresiveness

It is the main square (if I'm not mistaken) with a high clock tower Rolex. But the clock itself is pretty small, you can hardly see the arrows if you are not standing just with you forehead touching the tower. But the square is impressive, full of fascinating flowers, lights and always-on-rush people.

If you like the post, please upvote, follow me and share your precious opinion in the comment section below! :)

With love from Chongqing, Zakhar! Looking forward to sharing more photos and, maybe, videos with you! :)

P.S.  And sorry for the photo quality, I'm not a professional :(

See ya! 

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