Discover Serbia - Stara Planina (Balkan mountain range) PHOTO and VIDEO

Important edit #Photofeed and #travelfeed are not officially connected and that was just my misunderstanding. Nevertheless both projects are great so support them.

Photofeed (EDITED: my mistake, photofeed is not connected to travelfeed)started a new tag #travelfeed for traveling stories and i think it could be awesome for everyone who loves traveling and photography.

First story in my traveling blog is hiking at Stara Planina.

The Balkan mountain range is a border between Bulgaria and Serbia. the highest peak in Serbian part Midžor is at 2,169 metres (7,116 ft). (map location)


If you want to enjoy nature with almost no people, this is a place to visit. And there are miles of hiking trails that will let you spend days and still not see everything

Small village in the mountains
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There are a number of waterfalls, some of them are easy accessable, some you need to discover. Third of waterfalls in Serbia are located at Stara planina. The one in the picture is Bigar waterfall, located near the road Click for map location
and it is accessible by car. further up the road you will get to the village Topli do ( map location and from there you have a hiking trail to 2 more waterfalls (Piljski vodopad and Čunguljski vodopad) The view from the hiking trail you can see on the picture above.


the place where we stayed was really beautiful


Peak Babin zub, where the ski runs are located, and there is a beautiful a restaurant with spectacular view

Hiking trail from mountain hut to Midžor peak is 8km long. The trail is not complex there is no hard climbing and if you are not an experienced hiker you can climb to the top and back in 7-8 hours of light tempo.
Path to Midžor peak

a short video of our trip on DTube:
stara planina tumb.jpg

Check my last post, UV Body Art photo and video sesion
body art tumb.jpg

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