【雅典斜阳】A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest #31 Sunset of Mount Lycabettus

雅典看日落,最有名的莫属吕卡维多斯山 (Mount Lycabettus)。不仅许多游客会特意赶来看日落,雅典当地人也会经常来这里。我和 @pgr 目前已经去过两次。
Mount Lycabettus has the best view of the sunset in Athens. Lots of worldwide visitors and locals would go there for sunset sailing on purpose. Mr P and I have been there twice.

第一次去的时候,天气非常好,正巧有一对新人在山顶圣乔治教堂 (Saint George Lycabettus) 举办婚礼。那天,面积并不大的山顶观景台挤得满满当当。来自世界各地的游客、希腊新郎新娘、正装出席的宾客、拿着气球花束的可爱花童......真是好不热闹。教堂边上的餐厅还有一处精心布置的地方,应该是为仪式后的欢庆派对所准备的。
When we climbed up the hill for the first time, we came across a local couple having their wedding ceremony at the hilltop church, Saint George Lycabettus. The area of the hilltop observation deck was full of tourists from all over the world, Greek bride and groom, dress up guests, lovely flower children, etc. The restaurant on the edge of the church was going to host an evening party after the ceremony.

Last year, we had our ups and downs when climbing up the hill. It was a rainy day, but we decided to go up the mountain to see the sunset, for no reasons. When the car was halfway up the hill, it happened to encounter a couple to celebrate their wedding (again!). Then we followed their fleet and took a wrong way. Due to the narrow road, we can not pour out our car, so we decided to walk up the hill. When we arrived at the hilltop, the storms clouds gathered darkly. For a while, the rain poured down. All the visitors on the viewing deck ran into Saint George Lycabettus to shelter from the rain. We stood in the church with great care and the old lady in the church was still doing her routine job as usual.

This is our story on the sunset of Mount Lycabettus.




Camera used: RX100
攝影器材 RX100

All the pictures and texts are created by @kidsreturn unless otherwise specified. If you like this post, please upvote, reblog or leave a comment. Thank you.

所有圖文內容由 @kidsreturn 原創。如果您喜歡,請點讚、轉發,或者留下評論。非常感謝您可以堅持看到這裡。謝謝!: )

This is my entry for A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest hosted by @aaronli. If you also want to join, please click here.
這是我參加由 @aaronli 舉辦的小城故事攝影比賽的作品。如果您也有興趣參加,可以點擊這裡了解更多信息。

!steemitworldmap 37.977778 lat 23.741667 long Sunset of Mount Lycabettus D3SCR

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