📷 Walk on the Kuban Sunny island

Hello, my dearest friends! Sunny island is the largest Park in Krasnodar. Here time flies imperceptibly. And every guest will always find something for everyone.

The Park often hosts concerts, citizens walk along the river, children ride the rides, and in the morning you can see fishermen with fishing rods.

And on the edge of the pedestrian zone of the small island grows and oak-titanium, which is easy to notice. It was planted in 1855, and today it is considered a natural monument.

There is here and here is an ancient stump. Locals say that near him, sometimes even flowering fern.

This place is full of wonders and mysteries. And at night there is probably a meeting of moles. There are Minks, one never knows, and will fail in some underworld :-)

The island is a favorite, and all environmental pathways. You on the way meet not only Linden, willow, poplar and maple, but also rare coniferous trees and shrubs.

You will see a lot of huge handsome plane trees.

Many here and mulberry. And its fruits are loved not only by children, but also by our feathered friends.

There they are, right there.

Citizens come here not only on weekends, but also after work. You sit on such a handsome man and in a few minutes you are resting in the shade of a spreading maple.

On the Sunny island there are tennis courts, a Golf club, a small boat station, and an ice rink.

Slides, carousels, swings, bumper cars. You can even watch an exciting show with sea seals.

Or ride the Ferris wheel, the whole city at a glance.

If desired, you can swim (although prohibited), ride on a boat or catamaran, some fish, and many just sunbathe in silence, listening to bird trills.

Water sports enthusiasts often hold various competitions. Kayaks and canoes in the Kuban are popular. Children involved in boating are already 7 years old.

Fountains on the island, too, lack.

Landscape designers have tried their best. Here you and the miniature fortress, and alleys, and entire Islands of bright colored flowers.

Or these yellow beauties eshsholtsiya. At first I thought it was yellow poppies, but then I explained their differences.

Bees like them, too. Flew to them all swarm, the real invasion. Barely had time to carry his feet, so as not to attract their attention :-)

Assalti petals look like butterflies. They are very large and beautiful.

In vases, too, were beautiful flowers on and.

Nearby is the entrance to the mysterious world of terrestrial fauna, the world of adventure Krasnodar Safari Park.

I love this island very much. It seems that you are far from the city in a picturesque corner of nature.

Enjoy your weekend.

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I wish you luck and have a nice day!

Best wishes,

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