In a previous post I posted about Camp cove beach which can be found on the right of the car park at the end of Pacific Street at Watsons Bay. If you go left instead, you will see a completely different landscape. Instead of sandy beaches, you are met with rocky shores – rocky platforms and rock pools leading directly into the Sydney Harbour. From here, you can see the Sydney skyline very clearly, the golden Sydney tower like a sticking out like a needle in the distance.
我前两天介绍了一下Watsons Bay区内的隐秘海滩Camp Cove Beach. 而在海滩的另一边,在停车场的左手边,海岸线的地貌来了个180度的转变,从细腻的沙滩变成刚武的石岸。参差不齐的石头和大小不一的潮池伸延进悉尼港口的海水里。悉尼市中心的天际线清晰可见,金黄色的悉尼塔在众多高楼中分外显眼。
The sea on this side of the headland is much less calm without the shelter of the bay, and waves stronger both due to the wind and the movement of ferries and boats in the distance. There must be more fish in the area as well, as there were more seagulls and other sea birds that can be seen. We also spotted dolphins in the harbour!
We sit quietly on the side of the shore on some grassy patch just watching the world go by. I closed my eyes, and I could hear the sounds of the waves lapping up and down onto the rocks, and I could feel the light breeze gently brush my cheek. Very soothing, very relaxing, almost like I have transcended from this world and when I opened my eyes again, my worries and stress seems to have disappeared completely (at least for a brief period of time). There is something mesmerizing and comforting about watching and listening to waves, and I am glad that I was able to take a day off my hectic schedule to enjoy this so close to the Sydney CBD