Lpreap's Travel Blog #2 - Travels to Germany's Medieval Löwenburg ruins!

Hello Steemit Friends,

Thank you all for the generous support you've given me on my first travel blog to Paris, France. For those who don't know I'm originally from Chicago but recently moved to Germany with my girlfriend. I'm currently living near the Bonn area and the sights here are absolutely beautiful.

Close to home, there is a beautiful Forest that takes you to one of the most magnificent Medieval time ruins I have ever seen. I spent the weekend with my girlfriend to travel more than 6 Kilometers through the forest in order to reach the top of the Löwenburg ruins and I wanted to share my experience and what I saw with all of you!

We began by leaving early Saturday morning and walked up until we came across the past that would start us on our journey to the forest. The ground was full of lush autumn leaves that paved the way straight into the forest.


While we continued walking, on our left side we saw a ranch that had a few small goats mingling about eating the grass. We spent a few minutes looking at the goats and how the ranch seemed like a hidden getaway with its vast open fields, then decided to continue on our way into the forest.


As we kept walking with forward, we reached the entrance to the forest and were presented with two options, either take the left path or the right path. Seeing as how there was a barricade on the left, we decided to be adventurous and take that way because we're rebels!


Which way would you have taken?

As we continued onward, we came up on something that I thought was really cool. There was a bicycle path that was tailored to mountain bikes - the path weaved up and down and there were children of all ages here jumping their mountain bikes up and down the hills happily laughing and screaming. Moving along, the forest lead us to a long passageway where we saw our first group of climbers. These climbers were also going to the ruins.

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I decided to take this picture because of the sheer vastness of the forest. The amount of leaves on the floor and the tall gorgeous lush green trees overhead were a sight to see. The floor of the forest was absolutely littered with autumn leaves which is my favorite time of the year. Dismayed at the entire experience I decided to take the first picture of us beginning our gruesome hike into the vast forest.


At first we were making good progress hiking to the forest, and we eventually reached the first distance marker that told us there would be another 3.1 Kilometers to go before making it to the Löwenburg ruins.

As we delved deeper and deeper into the forest, it seemed like a fairy-tale. We came across numerous amounts of bridges that were overlooking a small stream passing us by, and every time we stepped down on the leaves with our boots, all we could hear was the crunching of the leaves beneath our feet.

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We continued our 3.1 Kilometer hike to the ruins but we slowly realized that the climbing was not going to be easy. The more and more we climbed, the harder it was for us to keep a steady pace. The trail started getting steeper and steeper and eventually we started running out of breath, so we decided to take a sip of water and cool down before continuing our travels. After about 45 minutes of hiking, we came across the first sight of the ruins which was this magnificent wall that was centuries old. We continued onward and came across the main courtyard. Taking a left turn, we were greeted by this magnificent view.


I had yet to realize just how far we had climbed in the last 45 minutes. Climbing up on the wall to get a closer look, a cool but welcoming breeze swept passed us as we stared down at the vast valley below us.

It was now time to make our way to the ruins and behind us were the stairs that would lead us up to the ruins. As we carefully walked up the stairs, we were struck by a beautiful doorway and the last sight on our trip, a beautiful tree that all the hikers had gone underneath.


Making our way up the final steps, we had gorgeous 360-degree views of not only the ruins but of the valley below. Here we could see just how beautiful the world; however our gazing came to an end as unfortunately the rain came and we had to make a run for it back into the forest. As I said before, the forest is a very vast place that spans for tens of kilometers. After about half an hour of walking on the path back home, I stumbled across an opening that give us one last glimpse at the Löwenburg ruins. This is a picture of the ruins after about half an hour of walking.


That brings us to the end of my second travel blog to Germany's Medieval Löwenburg ruins. I hope you enjoyed the trip as much as I have. It was a pleasure sharing with you all of my views and the sights that I saw. A huge thank you to all of my Steemit friends and followers who constantly support me. If you liked my contact please feel free to comment, upvote, and follow!

I hope you all have a great day!

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