
Happy Tuesday beautiful friends 🌹

We all have the experience of loosing a pet at some point in our lives.
It can be a cat 🐱 dog 🐶 rabbit 🐰 etc...
All animals are equal!
Same goes for the kids at work, we talk about how it's ok to be sad and that their late pets are happy playing in animal heaven.
We miss them but they will never be forgotten. We were wondering how we could take this and honor the childrens loving pets and the honor tree 🌳 came to life.

Honor Tree


Every color represents a lost pet and that kids special thought Written on the cloth.


I love this and can't look at the tree without a tear in my eye, a child's mind is so precious and their words to their pets was really moving.

yes even I got a cloth and this one was for my much missed companion Elvis and my words says "thank you for 15 amazing years together, and for everything you brought into my life"

couldn't ask for a better companion and friend

So now he has a cloth that honors his memory.
That was what we have been up to yesterday and today, even read books that makes kids understand a little about loss.

Didn't mean to give you guys a heavy Tuesday by this post, but for me it's just the opposite of heavy. I think it lightens the heart and to se the kids so involved and inspired. Turned a sad situation into a happy one...
Made my day! ❤️🤗❤️

I even got in a colorchallenge Orange today as it's the color of my memory cloth 😉

Have a wonderful week and stay just as you are.
Love to ya'll 🌹🤗🌹


designed by the amazing @enginewitty

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