Trial By Comics Color Entry #1 : Gambit Attack ~Colored Pencil And Makeup Tools (Bilingual)

Dear Steemian!!

Today I want to share my drawing with mixed media colored pencils and makeup tools. This work especially I created for entry #trialbycomics theme color hosted by @kommienezuspadt. In this occasion, I drew a character of marvel that is Gambit a mutan superhero in X-men . I like Gambit with his ability electric manupulation, telekinetic, throwing the card and then blowing it up and also the martial art expert and playing his wand. Reportedly on April the Gambit Movie will be released. I can't wait to watch it. So, I really interested to make this character to participate in this contest.

Hari ini saya ingin menunjukkan karya pencampuran media pensil warna dan alat make up. Karya ini khusus saya buat untuk partisiapasi pada kontes trial by comic yang dibuat oleh kommienezuspadt. Pada kesempatan ini, saya menggambar karakter yaitu Gambit seorang mutan di film X men. Saya sangat menyukai karakter Gambit yang mempunyai kemampuan memanipulasi listrik, telekinetik, melempar kartu kemudian meledakkannya dan juga dia ahli bela diri dan bermain tongkat. Oleh karena itu saya sangat tertarik untuk menggambar karakter ini.

Here is my entry


I made this character with colored pencils and makeup tools on my sketchbook.

Saya membuat karakter ini menggunakan pensil warna dan alat make up di sketchbook A4.

Usually, before drawing I made a sketch first used mechanical pencil.

Seperti biasa, saya membuat sketsa terlebih dahulu sebelum menggambar dengan menggunankan pensil mekanik.


In this drawing, I started made top background used pink powder and black.

Pada gambar ini, saya mulai membuat background atas dengan menggunakan bedak warna pink.


Next I shaded his head, left hand and his coat with light brown, dark brown, black and purple.

Selanjutnya saya arsir bagian kepala dan tangan kirinya beserta mantelnya dengan warna coklat tua, coklat muda, hitam dan ungu.



Then, I continued by shading at his right hand, legs and his wand with the same color like above. I also added side background with effects of his power.

Kemudian saya lanjutkan dengan mengarsir tangan kanan, kaki dan tongkatnya dengan warna yang sama seperti di atas. Saya juga menambahkan background samping dengan efek kekuatannya.


After that, I made again the background in the bottom with makeup tools and colored pencils.

Finally, I finished this drawing after spent time two hours.


That's all my process of making it. Thanks for visiting my blog and hopefully you like my work and got inspired. I'm happy if you are interested to try drawing like I did.

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Regard @huslein.slash


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