"Assuming that most people know the problems of the world, what is the best way to empower the masses to take action?" TribeSteemUp BiWeekly Question

"Assuming that most people know the problems of the world,
what is the best way to empower the masses to take action?"
@TribeSteemUp BiWeekly Question

What is a Problem?

When we realize the difference between what is and what is desired the gap between these 2 become the problem. So we assume here that we know our problems and now what are the best possible ways in which we can empower ourselves to take action against the problems.....

If we look at the very fundamentals of the root of any problem which prevents us from experiencing Peace, Happiness, Love, Harmony whether it is in our individual lives, at work places, in societies, in religious forums or at country level and work towards that we can eliminate most of the problems. Greed, Lust, Ego, Pride, Anger are the very basics that have gripped people to work collectively towards any problem.


  • Selfless Leadership: At every level if there is a selfless leader who can give direction to their people without any greed, power issues, ego; that will also drive the people to think in the same direction. A selfless leader will empower people in every decision and not only keep them as a spectator which will allow people to succeed and fulfill their missions in the most rightful manner.

  • Equal Distribution of available resources: Feeling of equality will bring harmony in people. When there is extreme disparity in the distribution of available resources this creates the opportunity for Greed, Lust, Anger, Fear and then people want to work it out in their own ways to compete each other.


  • Create a culture of inclusiveness and Respect- Exclusiveness divides and Inclusiveness unites people. Every person irrespective of abilities, religion, needs when everyone is given equal amount of respect it will strengthen the bond between people and allow people to work together and think for the higher good.

  • Not my Problem: Till the time the problem does not come on an Individual and effect them, they would think why should I bother, It's not my problem. This is the attitude that we need to change. If it bothers one or not when we can think in the direction still to work it out the problems can be resolved more effectively.


Above all of it Unity: is something that works in solving any problem. As the saying goes, "United we stand divided we fall" The most important, if every person realizes this that collectively working towards any problem in harmony would give best results rather than working individually in addressing them.

If we can eliminate the most fundamental problems of Greed, Lust, Ego, Pride, Anger, Fear, Attachments and when one becomes self conscious we can make this world a Better Place to Live for all with Equality.

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