Fascinating perspective on the woman we call HRC!

Sometimes I like to just read a short piece of a book, like even less than a paragraph, and try to pick up on the author's ideas.... I picked up a copy of Naomi Klein's book entitled, "NO IS NOT ENOUGH - Defeating the New Shock Politics". Recently.

The part I read I liked, and the reason I like it was this... it provided a perspective on something I have been wondering about. What I was wondering about was not just how did Donald Trump win, but how did Hillary Clinton lose? To me that is a key question. Because she should have won easily.

And don't get me wrong, this is not an anti-Trump or for that matter an anti-Hillary post, or pro or anti Republican or Democrat for that matter. 

The point I believe Klein was making that I found interesting was that Hillary confused people about who she is and what she stands for.

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