Kekistanis versus Shitholstanis - The Fun Begins!

Personally, I am still laughing my behind off at the last "outrage" supposedly committed by Trump. The charge is that Trump called Haiti and/or other countries "shitholes".

So let's look at this in an organized manner, from the basic facts to the origination of the quote...

  • A Shithole By Any Other Name
  • The Hysterical Hyperventilation Surrounding Shitholes
  • It's Eeeeevillllllllllll to Call Shitholes by That Name
  • The Politic Ramifications of Labeling Shitholes As Such
  • Did Trump Really Say That, Or is Just Another Democong Lie?
  • A Shitty Note From Steve

Buckle Up, SteemBoys and Steemgirls, coz this will be a long ass post!

A Shithole By Any Other Name

Haiti summoned our ambassador to explain the "shithole" remark.

There is only one way to reply there
"Look out the damn window!"

Look what the Ministry of Truth keeps screeching - "shithole, shithole, shithole" - and those like Joan Walsh, who try to deny the existence of shitholes look like instant idiots as soon as they talk.

This "quote" has both coasts, the UN, and half of the eurotards in an uproar over something that anyone with half the brain the good lord gave them knows is irrefutable.

Let me put it this way...if these places ARE NOT shitholes, why are people so desperate to leave them, and even more telling, WHY ARE LEFTISTS SO RESISTANT TO SENDING THEM BACK?

The Hysterical Hyperventilation Surrounding Shitholes

I wasn't planning on using a lot of quotes here, but this post by Zombie, a long time exposer of the Left, over at Ace of Spades, is worth sharing...

You know what is REALLY freaking out the Left?

Because Trump has stolen their main weapon -- degradation of the culture -- and flipped it over to the conservative side.

You see, for decades, the left has striven to "freak out the squares," not just for the juvenile thrill of freaking out squares, but because Leninist/Gramscian theory states that one must "subvert the dominant mores" to overthrown capitalism.

Remember the Yippies, a leftist/anarchist street-theater political "movement" whose only goal was to be outrageous and offensive? That wasn't just some stupid naive goofing off for the sake of it -- that was actually a conscious political act, to degrade the national discourse. And the Yippies were sort of the distilled unadulterated version of this leftist strategy that still goes on constantly.

They think that if they are the funny and vivacious "outsiders" making the proper decent people in their Victorian dresses faint onto their fainting couches, that they will win the public's approval and cause society to crumble.

But Trump has completely flipped the script. Now HE is the one saying and doing the outrageous things, and the LEFT are the prudes clutching their pearls and fainting onto their fainting couches.

Trump is the rebel. Trump is the outsider. The LEFT are the new "squares." And Trump has make conservatism the new counter-culture.

This is what the Left is truly going insane oiver. They ARE outraged by his verbiage, but not for the shallow faux-reason of it being impolite, but because he has forced them to assume the role of the uptight prissy dowager bleating "Dearest me!!" and fanning her herself before flamboyantly pretend-fainting onto a plush divan.
Posted by: zombie at January 12, 2018 01:31 PM (42M22)

And the insanity is on live TV! CNN spreads much of it's airtime devoted to vulgarity and racial epithets

It's Eeeeevillllllllllll to Call Shitholes by That Name

Except, of course, when leftists do it

The Politic Ramifications of Labeling Shitholes As Such

You may have noticed that I haven't even tried assessing whether Trump actually said this at this point in time. For this part of the discussion, it doesn't really matter!. The outrage created by the Left and their mouthpieces has focused attention on the Democrats and their endless drive to import unskilled aliens with no cultural familiarity with such ideas as liberty, personal responsibility, capitalism, and constitutional republic. What these aliens do understand is the patron system!

Let's take another look at the Democrat's expected quid pro quo here
The Political Class wages war on Americans through immigration - the "Democratic Party’s future electoral success"

And let's not forget those Republicans bound and determined to support the Democrats in this invasion!

Is it more than simple political control, or or there other malfeasant motives? Melissa on Outnumbered was almost crying over people from these shithole countries who are the ones in her mind that work the hardest. Who would clean her toilets if it weren't for the Shitholistanis

But wait, there is more...

The fakeoutrage that the Left and their Ministry of Truth have cooked are giving us an unexpected side dish, a new spotlight on the Clinton Foundation, and it's "care" of Haiti!
Here is @zer0hedge to start us out with the first of many Steemit articles regarding that "Foundations" theft from the Haitian people
Here's Why There's No More Free Passes For The Clinton Foundation

Scott Adams Explains (doesn't excuse) "Shithole Countries" Gaffe & Talks "Trump Speak"

The entire immigration controversy is now centered in the minds of Americans:

  • do we want to take in people from these shitholes because we're such good people?
  • do we want to stop and ask "WHY are we bringing in so many people from these shitholes?"

There is a benefit to this fakeoutrage; the DACA "deal" that the "Gang of Six" submitted was no deal at all; it was a double down on importing more unskilled labor into the country. It was rightly rejected

Did Trump Really Say That, Or is Just Another Democong/Deep State Lie?

Was this an Information War op from the beginning?
Democrats expect a closed meeting with Trump (perhaps to further the Trump as madman Narrative), have the "shithole" leak already planned out, and with Durbin's "response" already set to "respond". I just noted that their "deal" was an extreme position beneficial to democrat voting plans, but not to American citizens. Could they have submitted this plan with the "shithole" controversy planned to generate outrage for a plan they knew would be rejected?

Is this a possibility? Well, what else have the folks lied about, and what has their ideology centered around?

But did Trump say it?

Trump says no

Sens. David Perdue, R-Ga., and Tom Cotton, R-Ark., seemed to back the president in a written statement saying:

President Trump brought everyone to the table this week and listened to both sides. But regrettably, it seems that not everyone is committed to negotiating in good faith. In regards to Senator Durbin's accusation, we do not recall the President saying these comments specifically but what he did call out was the imbalance in our current immigration system, which does not protect American workers and our national interest."
War of words escalates over Trump's immigration comments

Steemer @itsokaytoeatmayo gives us this link to the meeting

A Shitty Note From Steve

A lot of people have this opinion...maybe Trump said it and it's a vulgar way to say it, regardless of the truth behind it...BUT WE ALREADY KNEW TRUMP WAS VULGAR! In fact, for people like me, Trump's vulgarity is a selling point. It appeals to the direct, NO BULLSHIT approach to information transactions and policy determination. Cut to the goddamn chase already.

For too long, we have let the truth, and the best means of dealing with the truth, to be cast aside to protect the already soiled panties of people that shit themselves every time their precious little feel-feels are microaggressed. It's long time past the point we need to cast these Fainting Couch Cows and their inner children into the gutter, and start dealing with the real world in real world terms!

Former Gov. Bobby Jindal, makes the point that

immigration without assimilation is not immigration; it’s an invasion

and finally...

In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.
/Theodore Roosevelt 1907

WHOOPS, forgot this /pol quote!

And it's very revealing watching who has freak-outs over someone saying obvious but un-PC truths out loud. Motherfuckers, you can't build the future on comforting lies, no matter how hard you want to or try.

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