Truth. Love. Freedom.

First comes truth, then comes love, then comes freedom, peace, prosperity, etc.

Truth is the guide for what is real. Moral truth is guide for higher, realer and truer living.

Truth and morality is the way and path.


If you want to have love, to give and receive love, make sure it's healthy. Make sure moral truth is understood for healthy love to prosper.

Unconditional love is not something to give away blindly. If you try to go for unconditional love without going for truth, you will get lost in allowing anything because love blinds. Unconditional love can make you a pacifist who doesn't stand up for yourself, or walk away from things that aren't good for you. Unconditionally loving an abuser is not good for yourself.

I'm not saying you need to have unconditional love. Love comes with conditions for everyone except for children who need love and care to grow and learn the path and way.

I'm not saying love isn't important.

I'm not saying freedom isn't important.

I'm saying to get real freedom, you need real love/care, and you need truth that forms the basis of it all. You need to know what is true from false, right from wrong, moral from immoral. Otherwise, what kind of freedom are you really building if you violate the rights of others? It's only an illusion, a self-deception of telling ourselves there is real freedom if we base it on lies or ignorance.

Look at the "free world", where people think they are free. Those who don't see the problem with statism are ignorant of the true nature of centralized authority, and believe in a dream, a fantasy, telling themselves they are free when they aren't. When truth is not had, we believe in falsity. We believe we are free, but are not as free as we think. That authority is not the truth. Truth is the authority.

Sure, many have personal love in relationships, but so much of that is based on people not talking about serious issues that bother them. Our relationships and friendships are based on the ignorance of not saying things that might offend of insult another person and have them not like us. Relations are somewhat superficial in that case.

A deeper more authentic and genuine relation between people can form if truth is put first. A deeper form of love and care can develop from authentically living in truth, trust and transparency. Do you have real love when someone lies to you? No. Truth matters A LOT!

If we want real freedom, we have to have care/love for others in general, to not violate or harm them. There is no true freedom if we have no concern for others and step all over them, harm them, are violent towards them, etc. Freedom only manifests when we have regard for others, and them for us.

With love, there is no freedom for everyone.

Without truth, there is no deeper real, authentic, genuine love.

Truth, then love, then freedom.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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