The Most Beautiful Thing I’ve Ever Written

I want our universe’s infinite beauty to be reflected in this sentence and each subsequent sentences should echo this beauty in the most asymmetrical fractals.

Laugh At It!

I feel the need to see things as they are, to see truth. Whenever we see things that aren’t there we are bound to be deceived.

"As soon as you have made a thought, laugh at it."
By Lao Tzu

But lies have pervaded so much of human history, seeing what is often becomes tricky. Just like when a sudden source of light blinds us whenever we’ve been in the dark for a while, sometimes just a normal source of light or truth can be too much and forces us to close our eyes.

Truth needs to be revealed and sought in small logical steps. It would be foolish expect anyone to learn on their own even if they had access to all the knowledge in the world but they didn’t knew how to use that knowledge.

Me when I was younger. (Every picture of you is when you were younger. Mitch Hedberg)

Instilling The Love Of Learning

To initiate change and be great influencers we must try to instill people with the love of learning.

"Since we can't know what knowledge will be most needed in the future, it is senseless to try to teach it in advance. Instead, we should try to turn out people who love learning so much and learn so well that they will be able to learn whatever must be learned."
By John Holt

Beyond Truth

I consider trying to see things as they are as of the upmost value. This is clearly preferable to being self-deluded, expecting something the universe can't even offer.

My truth is just that, my truth. Truth can’t come from one single source to rectify all the lies we’re individually faced with. It will take time and effort from all of us.

Society, Truth And Humanity

I recognize all countries guilty of crimes against humanity some of which I touched upon in previous chapters and I don’t recognize their legitimacy to rule over me or anybody. I’ll leave it to that for now.

It might not be a good idea to shine too much truth all at once from one single source as this might make us easy target for people wanting to keep us in the dark.

The world is based on so many lies, we can’t possibly think of being able to counteract all of these in a flash but there needs to be a beginning somewhere, in our thoughts, actions and writings. Truth can’t be ignored indefinitely or at least its consequences can’t.

Let's Shine The Light Of Truth!

All the truths can't be express by one person but that doesn't impede any of us to inspire everyone to seek and express as much as they can.

Steem is still a very small community where our content gets seen by few people, yet let us not doubt our reach or the reach of any dedicated group of people no matter how small it might seem.

I believe in truth
Took a long time to get there
But we made it
I made it with you
By Charlie Winston

This article is chapter 11 of my book “The Ultimate Steembook”.

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