The British Elites and the Paedophile cover ups.


The subject of Paedophilia is a very emotive one especially for those of us who were abused as children. I can remember the day I told my Mother what had happened to me around 12 years before when I was 7 years old, I didn't know what to expect and was apprehensive but needed to tell someone as I'd kept it bottled up for so long and who better than your Mother, right?
What I got wasn't what I expected as I got nothing! Not a single word. I never spoke of it again to anyone for years.
That's part of the problem I guess, most people aren't capable of dealing with the reality of child abuse when it is so close to them and some can't bare the shame of knowing they couldn't protect their own child. I don't judge my Mum for her silence as I've moved on but for many it would be a crushing blow after years of mentally torturing yourself thinking you were in some way dirty or weird because you were chosen for abuse.

Things have changed somewhat in society on the surface as child abuse is now a subject spoken of frequently however it continues as further up the social ladder you are the less likely you are to be investigated let alone prosecuted.
My generation have grown up seeing many celebrities, politicians, and religious leaders from our youth be outed as abusers although in some cases only after they have died. The lower level of what is believed to be a worldwide ring of satanic and ritualistic cult of paedophiles periodically get offered up as sacrificial lambs for the public however the upper echelons seem to be protected until they have passed.
Surely this could only happen if there is a seriously powerful protective net for these deviants. It would appear so in the UK for sure as victims are silenced, investigations shut down and a media campaign has been launched to sully any dodgy piece of evidence to taint all evidence in some cases.
The British elites seem to always be able to shut down the story before it reaches them.


Jimmy Savile.

The Jimmy Savile case leads down many roads and links to the Political establishment, the Royals and the media.

This man was as disgusting an invidividual as you would ever wish to meet. For decades he abused, procured and groomed children and not a thing was done. Typically after his death people came forward and the extent of his vile activities were released by the media. But many of the revelations weren't new news, the allegations of his heinous crimes had been out there for many years yet no action was taken by the authorities.

How did he get away with it for so long?


Savile was lauded by the press, given an OBE, a knighthood and was friends with the British Royals, so close in fact it that Prince Charles wanted to make him Prince Harry's godfather!

Savile was said to have stated that the Knighthood was effectively a 'get out of jail free card' and let's face it, it was! Every allegation prior to his death went nowhere even though there was plenty of evidence he was a serial paedophile and necrophiliac. The BBC have been an utter disgrace in covering up the crimes of Savile and others for decades.

The extent of Savile's crimes will possibly never be revealed as there are many people at the top of British society still around who could be embroiled in the case. There is little in the mainstream media currently regarding Savile's criminal cohorts as I'm sure the Elites who were his friends and confidants would prefer the whole story to just go away.

The following video shows some of the reporting around the case, the numbers are astonishing and the cover up is obvious. His 'protectors' would appear to use the crimes of Savile's inner circle as a way to control those involved.

Many great 'truthers' have been trying for years to be the message out to the masses about the paedophile rings that are at the top of our society and many are abused constantly by the MSM to try and dilute the message.

David Icke is one.
Icke has been outing these animals for 25 years and has been labelled a kook, a nutter, a conspiracy theorist, a madman and just plain insane. Why? I will admit his postulations regarding 'reptilians' haven't helped his cause however his other works are brilliant and in many cases ahead of their time. The revelations about Savile weren't new news as I said before and Icke linked Savile to many other famous abusers and murderers of children years ago.

Listen to the man himself explain his take on it.

Another British 'Elite' Paedophile who cheated justice by dying?


The BBC connection.

The BBC have been at the center of many recent paedo scandals. Is this because of Savile? Or did Savile use broadcasting house as the scene of many of his crimes because the institution was already corrupted? Possibly a combination of both.
However the list of employees who have worked for the BBC who have been outed as abusers is long.

The convictions have been happening slowly on a lower level as you can see from these pictures, not all have been proven yet however the list grows.



The reports say that the BBC were well aware of what was going on and did nothing. That shows they either knew and were complicit, knew and just didn't want to deal with a scandal or knew and were told to shut it down. Whatever the truth I personally wouldn't believe a thing that comes out of broadcasting house on this subject as they are clearly compromised and controlled.
Interestingly one of Britains most famous recent unsolved murders cases has been linked to BBC paedophilia.The Jill Dando murder.

Whether or not the Jill Dando murder is connected to BBC paedos is open for debate however the 'lone gunman' wrongly convicted for her murder has been freed and the real murderer and motive are still unknown. Outing the BBC paedo ring back in 1999 would have surely been a dangerous undertaking even for a celebrity like Dando so I'll leave you to ponder that one.

The Politicians.

Upon there deaths many politicians have been outed or accused of being child abusers, right up to former Prime Minister Edward Heath. So it goes to the very top of Politics. Heath was a particularly revolting man who again was outed by David Icke while alive but cheated justice by dying before the revelations went mainstream. Even now though barely anyone in Britain is aware of their former Prime Ministers horrific crimes. Here is a short interview with barrister Micheal Shrimpton on the subject.

And take a look at this article by the fantastic James Corbett titled Political Paedophilia.

It just goes to show how the BBC, politicians and establishment are interconnected and have worked tirelessly to keep the public unaware of the institutional abuse of the most vulnerable in our society.

Some other notable British politicians thought to be serial paedophiles who died before being disgraced and put on trial. The most notable was former Home Secretary Leon Brittain who was linked on the day of his death to an historical ring. He is also thought to have used his position in the Thatcher government to close down investigations into child abuse.

It was widely reported that Leon Brittain was handed a file containing the names of many elite paedophiles in the 1980's which 'went missing' and was never investigated. Coincidence?
Interestingly he was buried in an unmarked grave! If he wasn't involved in the vile crimes as suggested why would his family do that?
Cyril Smith was famously spared court as the 'Establishment' was afraid of who he may out according to detectives. This man was another repugnant man both in looks and deeds. Protected by an establishment protecting itself.

Another great summary from David Icke.

So it appears that Westminster protects its own regardless of the severity and depravity of the crimes.


Margaret Thatcher knew about the paedophile rings and did nothing except give them Knighthoods!


The Royals.

I mentioned Prince Charles earlier and his relationship with Jimmy Savile. As far as I'm aware there have been no accusations of wrong doing with children on his part the same cannot be said for his brother Prince Andrew.
Andrew has been linked to under age sex parties through his friendship with the scumbag Jeffrey Epstein, who has yet to account for his crimes after getting a sweet deal and beat the rap on 34 counts of underage sex.

Prince Andrew seen here with his friend Jeffery Epstein right after his release from prison.


So far we have seen little of this case in the UK and I suspect we never will as it appear the British establishment can reach around the world and direct or shut down a story at will. Lots of 'pleading the fifth' going on when asked about Andrew! Hopefully one day if Andrew was indeed involved in abuse he will stand trial however I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.


Lord Louis Mountbatten.

Known as a war hero, Charles's favourite Uncle and mentor as well as the last Viceroy of India, Mountbatten has gone down in history as the one Royal the IRA managed to get. He was blown up by the terrorist organisation on 27th August 1979. In the years since stories have been whispered of his sexual proclivities with underage children most notably in India and Ireland in the Kinkora boys home scandal.
The story below come from Australia and recieved little or no press in the UK.


Historic Royal abuse is the most difficult to investigate as all of the power of the establishment is brought the bear when an accusation is made. However in the opinion of many who investigate the subject they are are the center of the paedophile rings that pervade our society. The internet is alive with stories of Royal family involvement in terrible sexual abuse of children including ritualistic sacrifice. Please take the time to dig deeper as there are so many investigators out there trying to cast light on these sick and twisted families. Click the link to see the plethora of posts on YouTube on the subject.

And look into the work of Ole Dammegard a great truther who is co stanly working to out these terrible groups.

The only way I see this awful situation changing is through new mediums of communication like Steemit, where ordinary people like me and others already here can start to ask the difficult questions and try to help educate the new generations coming behind us. The desparate children that are suffering at the hands of predatory paedophiles as you read this need help and it's our duty to take a stand to stamp out these horrendous crimes.
The final video I'm putting here is an interview on the Richie Allen show with Andrea Davison. She is a former British intelligence officer who is on the run for trying to out elite paedophile rings. Please take the time to watch a it just goes to show how far the establishment will go to shut down people who are determined to expose the truth.

Thank you for visiting @tremendospercy

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All Images courtesy of Google Images.

Many thanks to David Icke.

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