The Flu Vaccination. - A 'Big Pharma' con job?


Winter isn't that far off, any day now they'll be coming for you.

Have you ever had the flu jab and then got the flu anyway? Quite a few people I know have myself included. It was years ago and believe me it was proper flu, not the kind when people have a day off work and then come in the next day. Don't you hate it when people have a day off for flu? It's a serious illness you ain't getting over it in 24 hours.

"Come on dude, your shot" "Shhh, just ringing the boss to tell him I've got the flu"


No it was the 4 days in bed, sweating, spewing and feeling like death kind, real flu. Right after I'd had the flu jab!
Why would that be? Surely I was protected? That's what they told me anyway. I realise there is a chance of side effects, however if you have the flu jab and the side effect is the flu what is the bloody point of having it? And more importantly does it even work?

Ringing any bells?


I have my doubts.

There is a plethora of information available regarding the flu vaccination programme and many journalists and indeed Steemians have written about it, especially regarding some of the questionable and frankly dangerous ingredients it contains such as thimerosal and formaldehyde. However the point of this post is to question its validity as a protection against influenza.

This is an interesting article.

I've cut this piece for you to read as I found it eye opening. Please read the whole article to understand the reasoning.

It doesn’t work: The Cochrane Database – an objective, gold-standard assessment of available evidence has plainly stated, in TWO STUDIES, that there is no data to support efficacy in children under two, and in adults. Even the former Chief Vaccine Officer at the FDA states: “there is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza.” Liking the idea of being protected from the flu does not equate to being protected from the flu. That’s essentially what your vaccine-promoting doctor (or pharmacist) is engaging in – promoting an idea.

Promoting an idea! Very interesting , why would a doctor or pharmacist do that? Could it be that they are financially incentivised for promoting certain medical products regardless of their ability to combat the illnesses they were supposedly created to prevent?

This peaked my interest also. It is written regarding child vaccinations.
Again please take the time to read the 8 reasons as it reveals the pressure put on doctors to push for vaccines, not the flu injection in this particular article but it evidences the way doctors are courted by 'Big Pharma' and indoctrinated at medical school. If they act like this when it comes to the health of children they wouldn't have any more regard for adults, probably less.

A website named Dollars for Docs allows users to search its database by name to see if their doctor was given money from pharmaceutical companies. At this time, figures are available for the period from August 2013 to December 2014, and payments dating back to 2009 are available in the site’s archives. The site does not include research payments or shareholder interests, and payments to nurse practitioners and physician’s assistants are not included. Some doctors received millions of dollars in payments, and the staggering totals are also listed by state.


The following quotes are from the article and shows the manipulation that is used and encouraged to ensure public compliance.
The most worrying aspect for me personally is the implied threats of being fired by your doctor. A patient doctor relationship is often quite personal for the patient and the thought of having to find another doctor can be enough to get some to acquiesce.
Pretty dreadful way to act for a 'Professional' who you think has your best interests at heart.

“We learn that vaccines need to be given on schedule. We are indoctrinated with the mantra that ‘vaccines are safe and effective’—neither of which is true. Doctors today are given extensive training on how to talk to ‘hesitant’ parents—how to frighten them by vastly inflating the risks during natural infection … on the necessity of twisting parents’ arms to conform, or fire them from their practices. Doctors are trained that NOTHING bad should be said about any vaccine, period.”

"Doctors learn a lot about diseases in medical school, but we learn very little about vaccines … We don’t review the research ourselves. We never learn what goes into making vaccines or how their safety is studied. So, when patients want a little more information about shots, all we can really say as doctors is that the diseases are bad and the shots are good"


Thought provoking, disconcerting and just plain wrong. Moving on.........

Yet another interesting insight.

This section cut from the article just about sums up if you're deliberating whether to be the flu jab or not. They're always fighting last years strain and predicting how the strain will mutate is a million to one shot at best, so why do they keep pushing an ineffective vaccine?

The new study found that the vaccine is protecting just 3.4 per cent of people from flu.

Those who were vaccinated were slightly more likely to get the most common A(H3N2) strain that those who did not have the jab.

Officials said the statistic meant the jab did not protect them against the strain at all, but did not mean the vaccination could increase the chance of flu.

Slightly more likely to get the common strain of flu if you had the vaccine than if you didn't! What!? Why bother?

There are many studies/articles questioning the validity of the 'Big Pharma' vaccine push. This is interesting regarding the flu vaccine Tamiflu.

This is an other fairly damning finding.

Dr Malhotra also points to questions about the efficacy of Tamiflu – a flu drug the NHS spent £473m stockpiling. A 2014 report by a panel of eminent experts concluded it was no more effective than paracetamol


So the Britsh NHS stockpiled £43m (approx $56m) of a drug that was no more effective than paracetamol! A nice waste of taxpayers money even before the expense to administer it. What a disgraceful waste of public funds.

Thats the problem with government funded health, the accountability is pretty non-existent. I know they have enquiries every now and again and when the heat is on some poor sap is lead out in front of the press like a lamb to the slaughter to be offered as a sacrifice but really the problem lies with the politicians. They're the ones that mandate vaccine programs, there the ones that take money from big Pharma in campaign contributions and party donations. In some countries they even let the pharmaceutical companies 'self regulate' which is criminal, as it's not in their interests to highlight their failings.

So what do you do with this information?

Use it as a starting point to go do your due diligence, find out what is being injected into your body and what it contains. Look into its effectiveness for combating the illness it is allegedly preventing. Especially with children as they don't get to consent, you're doing that for them. Do the right thing by yourself and your loved ones to ensure you have all the facts before you commit. Because if you don't you may end up contracting the very illness you were hoping to prevent.

For much more easily digestible information check the many videos on the subject on YouTube.

Final words.

It is not my intention to delegate any blame whatsoever to the dedicated and hard working doctors, nurses and pharmacists that work in our health systems around the world. I have many friends and some relatives that are involved in healthcare and every one of them is a hero in their own way. The powers that control the current paradigm are who I have an issue with as they have been corrupted by the large pharmaceutical industry to ensure their products have a mandated market.

Thankyou for visiting @tremendospercy


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