When does a myth become truth? Pt 1 The Lost City of Dwarka.


What does it take for a myth to become the truth?

Throughout human history 'Myths' have been prevalent, they are still used by many people around the World to tell the history of their particular culture. More often than not western scholars dismiss these myths as fantasy as the 'evidence' has not been presented to them. But the people recalling the verbal histories of their people believe they are recounting truth, who decides what's true?
The most famous recent one to fall into this category is Troy .


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I'm sure many of you assume that the matter of Troy is settled however debate still rages regarding the location. The fact that the place clearly existed has been put to bed however scholars are still arguing as to whether is was one, two or even up to 10 cities and whether the location at Hisarlik is indeed the site of Troy.
This article in the Guardian states it could have been up to 10 over time.
Take time to read it as it's fascinating.

Anyway the point of this post isn't to talk about Troy. It can be easily be researched by anyone now as its a mainstream topic, a myth that has been proven to be true whatever t's need to be crossed and i's to be dotted that one is in the history books now.
The point is to invite you to look at a few other 'myths' that are currently in the early stages of becoming truth, in my opinion.

The first in this series is 'The Lost City of Dwarka'.

Modern day Dwarka is a small city located in Gujarat NW India however for centuries Hindu scholars have recounted the stories of the mythical 'Lost city of Dwarka' the home of the Hindu deity Krishna . The stories are recounted in the Maharabharta , Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavata Purana .
Krishna has been known by many names and the stories of his exploits have been traced back to at least the 1st millennium BC. The stories of his life and exploits are fantastical and it you can see how easy it has become for western scholars to dismiss the idea that the deity could ever have been a real character, for me that is a huge and arrogant mistake.


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That has all changed though now as the Lost city of Dwarka has been discovered. I don't mean just discovered it was decades ago however it's not a subject that gets talked about much, it's interesting that whenever a story appears that has the potential to change the perception of history it rarely gets a lot of coverage. The first real underwater explorations started in 1988.
This BBC article is from 2002 and explains how the discovery of this city 36 meters under the ocean could change history.

Below is my favourite quote from the article as it goes to show the confusion the discovery has brought to mainstream scholars.


Culturally speaking, in that part of the world there were no civilisations prior to about 2,500 BC. What's happening before then mainly consisted of small, village settlements," he told BBC News Online.

Dr Morris added that artefacts from the site would need to be very carefully analysed, and pointed out that the C14 carbon dating process is not without its error margins.

It is believed that the area was submerged as ice caps melted at the end of the last ice age 9-10,000 years ago.


So there were no major settlements in the area prior to say 4500 years ago however this is a city of 10 square miles that was flooded 9-10 thousand years ago! The maths don't add up.
We're not talking small buildings either, we're talking huge temple complexes and municiple buildings, clear evidence of an advanced society.
The timeline of our history as modern humans keeps getting pushed further back than scholars want to admit, why is that?
Hindu as well as other Asian scholars believe their history goes back hundreds of thousands of years. Why does western academia deny this when confronted by the ever increasing amount of evidence.


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Pretty conclusive evidence right there that this was a major city built a very long time ago, lost in time and remembered through verbal and written 'stories' for millennia. Whether the city was built by Krishna and whether the unbelievable battles that apparently raged will ever be proven to be true I can't say. The excavations of the site are on-going and as you can imagine the work is very difficult indeed however hopefully as more evidence is brought forth it will shed light on this fascinating story.

What can we take away from his discovery?

For me it opens up debate regarding the flood 'myth' for a start, many believe it is just an Old Testament story however there are untold similar stories from around the globe. See a list of the more well known ones here .
To my mind the discovery of Dwarka is the first link in a chain of discoveries that will not only cause believers of the Hindu faith to rejoice as they are certain they are recounting history when the tell the stories from the Veda's but will force western scholars to start taking the history of the Indian sub-continent much more seriously. A lot of research will required by people better equipped than I to even get close to proving that these myths are in fact a history however the time to deny they have no validity whatsoever is past. Each discovery that is made is one more step to rediscovering the true history of our planet.

I believe there is are massive gaps in our knowledge, thousands of years of pre-flood history have been forgotten and deliberately hidden due to cataclysm and dogma over the centuries. Empires, organised religions, ruling classes and ignorance have whittled away at our history books, editing out inconvenient truths and apocalyptic events to keep the masses under control.
I sincerely hope that one day true freedom of information will prevail and the history of our planet that has been hidden for so long is revealed to us.

As always I invite you to go and do a bit of your own research into this subject as it is so interesting, the Hindu religion is by far the most amazing to research. The epic battles, the futuristic weaponry and the Vimana ( a subject in themselves) and one which will blow your mind I assure you.
Please come back for more myths that are slowly being deciphered showing that our history isn't as cut and dry as the mainstream scholars would have you believe.

Thank you for visiting @tremendospercy


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