"Don't ever be afraid of being YOU in life." Expressing my thoughts- Motivational Post 1.


Just expressing my thoughts.

I know this is a very hard thing to do. Especially if we really want somebody to like us. The truth is do we really want somebody to like a person who we are pretending to be or a person who we really are? The thing is when we pretend to be someone we are not we are only setting ourselves up for living a life in which we never truly reveal our true self. The person who we truly are will always stay trapped in our own mind because people are used to the pretending "you", and not the person who is truly inside. Basically, we become our own prison never truly expressing our opinions, and always holding back on what we really want to say in order to fit the person we are pretending to be.

I have made this mistake many times through my life.At the moment I was doing this I thought this is the necessary and right thing to do, but I can safely say from my personal experience I was wrong. Because I was constantly going against myself. Contradicting what I was really thinking, and believing in. That is why it is important to express our likes, dislikes, interest, desires, or whatever we think is important for us to express to show who we are as a person. We have to protect who we are and stand for what we believe in.

Because when I really started to express myself and stopped holding back I have opened myself for the opportunity to meet the right people. People who appreciate me for who I really am, and who have similar interest as me. We can't truly expect to meet the right people in life if we never express who we truly are. Nobody can get in our minds, and know who we are and what we really think. We have to express it, and we have to say it. We are constantly attracting what we are showing to the world. If you don't like what you are attracting than change what you sending out there in the world. Send your true self, and the right people will find you.

So my friends from my humble 29-year-old experience I can only say to you is to be yourself in life. No matter who that person is. Do it even if it sometimes means walking alone. Because sometimes in life you need to walk alone in order to find yourself, and the right people to make a life more complete. By doing this you might lose contact with some people, but true friends will stay. Because those are your true friends. We all have this one beautiful life, and it would be a shame to spend even a one minute more pretending to be someone we are not. Stay true to yourself ALWAYS no matter what my friends.

This was my first motivational post written, and I hope you guys will like it. This is all based on my life experiences, and what I have learned from it. I hope some of you will motivation and courage to start expressing your true self in the future.

I don't expect everybody to agree with all that is written here, but if you have an argument please write in the comment section in a civilized way. I will be happy to reply. See you guys in the comment section.

Have an amazing day all,


For this kind of posts, I will be using my own hashtag called #dbexpressingmythoughts. Just in case you like what I am writing about, and want to keep up to date with my new posts. :)


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