How To Trade Your Whaleshares With Votes From Officialfuzzy(Screenshots)

I am sorry i am putting up this tutorial late. My friends has asked for it earlier.

I will try to make this as simple as possible.


To trade your whaleshares with a vote from @officilafuzzy, you firstly need to go and get the link of the post you want to use the vote on.


Once you have the link, you need to go to .


Post your link in the box provided above and press enter


Take note of the 'U' in front of the link. If you dont include it, it will not work.

We are almost there.

Copy the link with the 'U' and head to your bithshares wallet or openledger.


Click on the 3 dashes


Enter whaleshares in the box below the basic member .


Choose the amount of whaleshares you want to use. In my case i have just 12 whaleshares. I will be able to use just 11 as i will pay a fee of 1 whaleshare.


You can use bts to pay the fee as it will be cheaper. I dont have enough bts so i have to change the amount of whaleshares to 11

Click on confirm and we are done.

Go and check your post and you will see a vote from officialfuzzy.

Please note that

  • you cannot use it on a 6 day old post

  • you cannot use bts to get votes from officialfuzzy

  • you can only use bts for the fee

  • it is important to check the vp before you embark on the transaction

  • 1 whaleshare is equivalent to 1% vote

I hope this helps.

A quick edit. here is the vote i got from the trade


if there is any question please ask in the comment box. You can get free whaleshares by participating in contests. please contact akrid#4850 on discord

WhatsApp Image 2017-09-27 at 10.40.16 (1).jpeg
courtesy @gbenga

Thank you for reading

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