The @mindhunter New Twin Peaks Season 3 - Episodes 1 & 2 Reviewed [CONTAINS SPOILERS+VIDEOS!!]

A return to Lynchian visions!

Like everything in a Lynchian world, season 3 of the new Twin Peaks is broken. There is much garmonbozia here to be consumed. Coop more than ever is still trapped in the Red Room as his new reptilian doppelganger roams South Dakota carrying out depraved acts.


Ghosts of future past

Coop's soul within the Black Lodge appears to have been visited by the ghosts of his past, and the torment appears to be beyond hell itself. Cooper's alter ego of BOB continues to roam the states of New York City and Las Vegas causing havoc.

As usual, the Lynchian world is full of absurd humour and extreme violence, and the new in phrase seems to be 'Who killed Ruth Davenport?' - her mutilated body is found but the head and body makes no sense at all?? Lynch also manages to throw in another ghoulish massacre which I won't go into on here. The appears like the Manson family gone really bad!

I myself was expecting a walk down memory lane, and that came more in episode 2 with many of the old haunts revisited extensively. But did it all feel like 1990 all over again as I hunched over my late night TV? Hell no! Did I expect Lynch to give me easy ride down memory lane? NEVER!! The owls are still not what they seem. Miss it as your peril!


P.S. The final Log lady scenes are extremely emotional. Be ready for them!

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