The Bee and the mirror - Writers Block Poetry Contest Week 5

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This poem is in response to @thewritersblock's Writing Prompt:
"Write a poem in two sections about two completely different things. Have the title link both items somehow."

The Bee and the mirror

The same bee will wake us up
It will be amazing that it is still here
after so many countless days,
and it will be the same ...
We will know it
by its unique timbre, woven
in the multifaceted symphony of the morning.
Then there will not be any
special justifications for my
presence in this bright room,
besides, that I want to kiss
your closed eyes,
sleepy girl.

Looks like a trace
of a bright dream before dawn
of the footsteps of a drunken cricket on the bridge over the river
of quinces arranged on the kitchen cabinet
of clothes thrown to the chair by the window
of truth, uttered without words
looks like love
but it's upside down

3 columns
2 columns
1 column