Twelve Questions - My Re-Introduction to Steemit

Twelve Questions

Recently, @hobotang created a nice twist on the old introduce yourself post.
I see many within my sphere giving it a shot. AND of course, a see quite a few who tagged me, to do so, as well. You know who you are, @artemisnorth, @dreemsteem, and a couple of others!

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1. What 3 meals would you have before heading to the International Space Station?

Easy... one of the two most missed foods on The ISS, that I hear from returning Astronauts, is fresh Fruit and Veggies, and Grilled Meat.

• An amazing Grilled Ribeye Steak, with light seasoning (sea salt, cracked black pepper, and finished with butter), Grilled Asparagus, Grilled Pineapple slices, and little piece of Garlic Bread. A Double Bombay Sapphire, Splash of Tonic, two limes.
• Fresh caught Mahi Mahi, grilled with a Mango Salsa, a Chicken Lobster (over the legal limit, but about a pound), and a grilled potato. A Ketel One Vodka Lemondrop, sugar on the rim, fresh lemon syrup.
• A large Fruit Salad, with Pineapple, Oranges, Mangoes, Pears, Grapes, and Kiwi. Fresh squeezed Lemonade, or Limeade.

2. What section of the newspaper would you be?

• I don’t read the paper newspaper. Mind you, it's only use around my house here at the bottom of the gravity well, is for starting fire. An obscene amount of energy goes into making sure anything on the ISS, or SpaceX's Dragon capsules, or the Progress ships does not burn. I love the irony of placing these two Q's next to each other.

• However, online, here are the newspaper sections I read:
national, worldwide, and local Science News, local, statewide, and worldwide Politics, I follow Concerts, Special Events, and Audiovisual Production news, and I have a few tags I search for: Global Warming, Whales, Marine Biology, Photography, Antarctica, Glaciers, Oceans, Cape Cod.

3. If you were immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?

• 31 years, 2 months, and 11 days was kinda good. I think it was 11, possibly 12 days... I was in the best shape of my life, before my body went through a very serious health incident. It started during a hockey game. Shit never got better after that game.

4. What sport would you compete in, if you were in the Olympics?

• If it had to be a true sport, Hockey. But my preference is, Olympic level Photography. Possibly drifting on my Boat, camera in hand, lazily shooting Humpback Whales breaching, tail lobbing, and fin slapping. Or any Azure Dorsals.

5. If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life where/when would you go?

• Back in time? Probably to the early 1960's and work at NASA at the early days.

• If I had something that could manipulate time, however, it would be to go forward. I'd zip back, get my 30 year old self, and head forward some.

6. If time and money were no barrier what would you create?

• Realistic Space Travel: the ability to move faster than light, travel to other worlds, and explore.
It's human nature. At some point, we looked over at that other tree and think, hmmm.... wonder if the fruiot is better there? And then we moved down. and then, across a savanah, and over that hill, and across the streams, and then, across the ocean. It is in our DNA to say to each other " What's Next? "

7. Have you ever completed anything on your bucket list?

• Do I even have a bucket list? Kinda.
I am still working on it.

8. What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?

• Surprising? Good question...
What do I think will be the most surprising Scientific Discovery? Immortality.
Given the sheers numbers of stars, with planets and moons around them, swirling around the sheer mindboggling number of galaxies, within a truly unfathomably large universe... life outside of the current earth will be found, sooner rather than later. However, physics and chemistry are still key with life, so, immortality would be a complete shock. Entropy is a harsh mistress to dominate.

9. Are you a good witch or bad witch?

• Editor's Note: Gonna change it to Warlock
A good warlock at heart. Crappy at patience with idiots and mean people. Selfish, but at all times, truly believes he is working at good. Despite it not looking like that at all times, This li'l Warlock is, on whole: Good.

10. If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?

• One thing? One? Following instructions is sooooo not my strong suit.
Natural World Around You. I want everyone to know and understand the physical world. What is it that makes rain? Trees? Animals? Water? Oceans? Understanding Basic Science is shamefully not important to so many, and that is a problem, particularly for those making decisions affecting the entire planet.

11. Which band / artist – dead or alive would play at your funeral?

• Not gonna die, so not needed.
• HOWEVER, in the interests of playing nice, John, Paul, George and Ringo, playing with Eric Clapton, Elton John, Mark Knopfler, Peter Gabriel, and Phil Collins, with Annie Lenox, Aretha Franklin, James Taylor and Bono on singing along. Katy Perry would be tooo distraught to sing, wailing loudly that she ...shouldn't have spent the past 24 hours trying to see how many times we could make love in a single day...and dammit, why did Kate Winslet, Mila Kunis, and Kate Upton have to stop in for those last 21 and three quarter hours?

12. What book or movie have you read/seen recently you would recommend and why?

• recently? The Expanse Series

• All time? Asimov. The nature of humans, and the possible futures we could be living.



I'm not planning on tagging anyone... Play along if you so choose.
If you do, please leave a link in the comments, so I can follow your Answers.



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