12 Questions Re-Introduction as asked by my buddy Enginewitty

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So, I've been a bit spacey in the community lately. Focused inwards and on my art, trying to get my shit back together. But, there's still a lot of people out there who keep me in and on my toes. Big ups to those people, and definitely a big thank you :) And, with my shit getting back together, I'm following up with @enginewitty for calling me out to answer 12 questions to reintroduce myself...which is kind of funny, because I still need to write that introduction post here on Steemit. Maybe I'll do that this weekend, now that I've figured out my purpose here, hehe.

Before I fall off onto some philosophical or introspective post, let me get to those questions!

1. What 3 meals would you have before heading to the International Space Station?

Okay...this is a pretty strange one. Along the lines of 'last meal' kinda stuff. But, upon deep, several moment long thoughts coupled with being a little high, let's go for it...

  1. Pizza, like, with everything on it. I'd even say the kitchen sink, if it were clean. Might be because I'm at my regular coffee shop, that now has a really dope pizza shop in it. Then again, I've always really loved pizza. That's what endeared me to my private English student in Japan, and was the reason why he hired me, which led to some crazy drinking, travel, and women adventures, not to mention 2 years of being an international marketing manager at a Japanese chemical company.
  2. Sushi...yeah, definitely sushi. I could go for that pretty much any time of the day, day of the weeks, or month of the year. When I lived in Japan I ate way too much of it, mainly because of the convenience. Something like 3 or 4 times a week I'd have at least a couple dishes at the local conveyer belt sushi place. I mean, what's $5 for a quick and tasty snack?
  3. A properly done hamburger with some crazy deluxe toppings. I'm not talking about a traditional burger with just lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese. I'm talking about the hipster, truffle and bacon loaded with awesome special sauce kind. The kind of burger that makes you hate yourself even as you order it. Yeah, that would be my third choice.

2. What section of the newspaper would you be?

This one is a gimme. The help wanted. Either that or the funnies, because, seriously, my life...definitely worth a couple laughs and frowns.

3. If you were immortal, what age would you choose to stop aging at and why?

Damn, this is a good one. First, I gotta say immortality would scare the bejeezus out of me. I mean, that's like, forever. And, if you can't die...man, that sounds like a really bad acid trip. Flipping between states of consciousness and existence, experiences it in different forms and states, yeah, awesome. But me as me, forever? Damn...no thanks. But, if you asked at what age, I'd probably pick my early 30's. Mainly because that's the peak physical and mental prime. It would also be the easiest age to fit in anywhere.

4. What sport would you compete in, if you were in the Olympics?

Fencing. Not sure why, but I've always wondered what it would be like to sword fight like that. I've done some LARPing with foam weapons (fun for like a minute until my eye almost got destroyed by an excited player), and practiced sword arts in a couple forms...but, the amount of concentration, accuracy, quickness, too cool for school if you ask me.

5. If you had to go back in time to live the rest of your life where/when would you go?

Honestly, probably the 70's. I think I've turned into a kind of hippie. I like the idea of what that era stood for, I like the things that happened during that period (minus the wars), and just the energy that filled that era, damn. Creatively, politically, socially...the shit we're going through now just scares the crap out of me and there are way too many systems in place to prevent us from doing what we need to do as a society to fix ourselves. Back then, at least we had hope and could fight properly.

6. If time and money were no barrier what would you create?

LOL. There are so many directions this answer could go. On a personal level I would just like to have the time and money to be creating all the time. And the what would be everything I do now and more. Photography, painting, videography, and I want to get into so much more.

On a wider social scale...probably colony ship that would take us to the stars...or an infinite energy machine, or something to feed everyone on the planet, or fix our environment, or give greedy evil people what they really deserve... sigh We need to make our world a better place, we really do...

7. Have you ever completed anything on your bucket list?

I never really had a bucket list. I've just kinda been living life and have stumbled into some pretty wild adventures. But something I've realized as I get older is, I need to have one. I'm in the process of making one, so let me get back to y'all on round 3.

8. What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable?

That's a tough one since our scientists are already postulating that we're computer programs. Probably something unimaginable since we've learned to deal with some pretty surprising stuff with some pretty amazing apathy. I mean, some of the largest natural structures on this planet are currently being destroyed by humans lack of responsibility, like the great barrier reef, and no one cares. So even if we did discover something amazing, would anyone really give a fuck past watching their favorite show on HBO or Netflix?

9. Are you a good witch or bad witch?

That's easy. I'm evil. To the core. Much more fun.

10. If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?

Empathy. How to care about others. Why to care about others. Not the surface level shit. Which is ironic, since I don't like most people. Maybe because they lack empathy. Products of our current society unfortunately :\

11. Which band / artist – dead or alive would play at your funeral?

Spice Girls...most definitely. And the song would be...wait, can you hear it already? If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends... Yeah, just to torture everyone, hehe. That, or the Macarena. And make sure it's put into my last message that I want everyone to do the dance. Muwhahaha. Remember what my answer was to #9?

12. What book or movie have you read/seen recently you would recommend and why?

Wow, this is the most difficult one to answer... I'd say the 'Three Body Problem.' A science fiction novel about us as a species realizing what it means to be not alone...and not in the stupid Independence Day kind of way. It brings an amazing level of science and modern philosophy to a question mankind has been wondering about for a long time, and then pulls some amazing twists. Written by a Chinese author who's seen by the worlds current leading scifi novelists as one of the new greats it's a great read and is the first in a trilogy. If you're a sci-fi fan, I'd highly recommend it.

So, those are my answers. Hope you found them entertaining. I know I had a blast answering them :) Now, I have to think about who I want to tag, hehe. But, since my coffee shop is closing and I need to go, that will have to be saved for an edit.

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