Reversion - Original Short Story

Humanity was the dominant species of that blue planet they called earth. After millennia in technological advances, its supremacy was established until they were unable to escape the reversion. As if the planet were in a cycle, from one day to the next it returned to its initial conditions. It was impossible for most species on the planet to escape from such hostile conditions. In an instant, all life on the planet was reduced to only 5%. Now there was only survival on a planet that was seemingly rejecting any organic existence on its surface.

Gill was a child born in this new world. His upbringing was based on stories about what was and what was now that piece of hostile rock that was rejecting its species. His grandparents were one of the few survivors who had managed to reach an old underground fortress that during the World War III served as protection.

Gill just like the rest of those born in this new era had adapted successfully to these strange atmospheric conditions that appeared on the surface. A few days it was raining acid, other ashes. The oxygen composition created by some bacteria was so low that it was almost impossible to breathe. All the vegetation had disappeared.

Gill's grandparents were very well-known mechanics of the old world and although there was little left to repair, they had managed to put into operation the great complex of machines that was nearby, without them it would have been impossible for them to survive.

Gill, who is with her group of friends, approached her grandfather and said:

"Grandpa, please tell us that story about Dr. Mad again."

Grandpa approached his grandson, he sat on a chair and responded:

"My dear grandson. I'm a bit old and I've forgotten many things. However, he trusted his generation, we have to survive, you have to survive. That Dr. Mad was my friend, a well-known scientist, he had spent his whole life studying and creating a machine that made travel in time come true. Years before this great reversal occurred, he had already announced that this was very likely to happen to the planet, however, it was such a crazy idea that nobody believed him, as it had no scientific basis."

Children show great astonishment in their face. Ronar one of Gill's friends says:

"So that's why they call him Dr. Mad."

Grandpa laughed and then he continued saying:

"Yes, that's why they call him Dr. Mad. But here it doesn’t finish, it turns out that weeks before this great holocaust happened, he and I had met, he wanted to show me how I reach those conclusions. His method, according to him, he couldn’t tell anyone, so I approached him, and as his childhood friend, I wanted to know his secret. Minutes before arriving at his hidden laboratory, a strong heart attack stopped his heart. He died and with him his secret as well."

Gill is surprised, he ran to the table and then looking in the drawers found out a chest that had printed on its cover “FOR MY GREAT FRIEND”. He took the box, approached his grandfather and said:

"Grandpa, this box is from your friend?"

"Yes, my dear Gill. In that chest, he left a map that led to his laboratory with instructions on how to enter. After getting that in my hands, all this started so I could never go to that place" Grandpa retorted.

The children approached the grandfather and next to him they opened the box. It contained a map and a series of codes and instructions to power up a strange machine that even Gill's grandfather could not understand. Gill remembers that his grandfather had finished repairing a flying machine. Gill takes everything and returns it to the box and then he expressed:

"Friends, please help me to find that great laboratory. Grandpa, can we use that flying machine?"

The Grandfather surprised by the naivety of his grandson retorted:

"Sure Gill. Everything here is yours. But be careful, we don’t know well under what conditions the whole planet is. In addition, the Aero-Space is not completely repaired."

Children ran out to the ship. After a few minutes they turned it on and they got out through a tunnel that led to the surface. Inside the ship, the children opened the box and then enter the coordinates of the laboratory. In a matter of seconds, the ship was positioned on a number of buildings destroyed, from the window they could see lava lakes from volcanoes that had recently erupted. The ship was just above the laboratory, the children checked the paper and with the box in hands were ready to come to the surface. Lori, one of Gill's friends said:

"Apparently that happy laboratory is down that tunnel. As indicated on this sheet, in front of that tunnel we should find a manual lift."

Ronar, who was very excited, said:

"Friends. There's nothing else to do, let's see what's in that crazy lab. I'm very curious about what might be there."

The group of friends ran out to the tunnel. After walking for several minutes in the distance, they found an elevator. Everyone entered the elevator and with their hands, they started to turn a lever that the elevator would lower. Gill, who was very excited, said:

"Go. Apparently, this place was prepared to withstand almost any cataclysm."

After going down more than two hundred meters, the children left the elevator. Then they walked down the hall and arrived at a sturdy door. In it, they could see a touch panel that would allow them to enter a password. They quickly entered the codes that were on paper. The door automatically authorized access. In the laboratory, the lights turned on. A large computer turned on its screen and pronounced:

"Welcome. You are the chosen ones to save the human race. For this Dr. Kaku created a time machine. You must travel back two millennia and warn humanity. Their salvation must be focused on leaving the planet. They must prepare to colonize."

Immediately a large machine turned on and began to turn a ring. This was the time machine that was starting to open the great temporal space gap.

Gill and friends approached the portal that was starting to open. In an instant they disappeared. His great mission was about to begin.

This is my entry for @mctiller's current 24hourshortstory contest which is always focused on a specific prompt. Go to the contest post: Link

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