The Robot And The Sleeping Man


Back in 1965, a great scientist named Olivander Bloom had been looking for a new way to create virtual life. The people in his research team had tried to come up with new ways to create a robot that wouldn't be distinguishable between a robot and a human being. If everything went according to their plans, it was estimated that they would've been done by the year 1984. Even with all the great minds of Olivander's research group, they all had to put these plans aside. In December 1972, the research group was no longer funded due to the controversy of the AI research field. Olivander hated the term artificial intelligence because what they were trying to create could only be called virtual life.

Olivander had already found out that they would have to use DNA to make this great invention come to life. By the year 1974, he had decided to take these matters into his own hands. He realized, of course, that he needed to do so in absolute secrecy. He would have to create all the equipment and he would have to buy all the separate parts himself. In 1976 he almost had all the parts for the equipment that he needed. Now, all he needed was three strands of human DNA from three separate human beings. He had to extract these very carefully from the dead people down the morgue that he still had access to. It was very much considered impossible to create artificial DNA by that time.

The Set-back

Olivander had to visit the morgue and find out how hard it would be to extract the DNA from some of the dead people down the morgue, without being seen. The morgue was just further down the building of his research lab. He would have to sample these strands of DNA without any written logs. Everybody still knew that the project had been canceled. The process he'd use is also known as DNA isolation. Now, all he needed was to do this without having Hans writing down any suspicious activity. Hans, however, was the only person who worked at the morgue.

"Anything new?" Olivander asked.

"Nothing interesting. All these four people died by natural causes. To your left, we have Jessica, a 46-year-old female from Wisconsin. She died of lung cancer 8 hours ago. You can see the tumor here ", Hans pointed as he reached for a scalpel.

"Thank you, Hans, but I intend to keep my lunch in my stomach where it belongs", Olivander replied.

"So why are you here, then?" Hans asked.

"I was wondering if I could isolate some strands of DNA from these people? For research, of course", Olivander slightly stammered.

"Now why would you need DNA from a dead person, Olivander? You could isolate DNA from anyone who's alive or dead, you know that", Hans replied suspiciously.

"To have life, you must have a death, Hans," Olivander replied confidently.

"I don't know what you're up to Olivander, but I'll help you this time while
I try to find out what you'll be using it for," Hans said even more suspiciously.

While Hans left the room for a brief moment to file some papers about the visit, Olivander reached out to take a sample from each person with four different cotton sticks that he had already prepared. Then quickly, he put these into four separate plastic bags. When Hans came back with some plastic bags and cotton sticks Olivander had simply said that it would not be necessary, that he probably should extract some DNA from different subjects who are alive instead. Before waking the dead.

The Path Of Love

Olivander immediately drove home to finish the construction of his robot. He was, in fact, almost done. He applied the three strands of DNA that he now had isolated. He took a step back and was immediately struck by the love of his creation.

"Jessica!", he cried out with a tearful laughter.

Pleased by his efforts it was time for him to sleep.

As slowly as a man could open eyes, filled
with light from morning skies, the robot leaned
towards him, kissed him and replied:
My love has been there for when you died.

This is my entry for the #twentyfourhourshortstory contest by @mctiller


And Love For All

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