#24hourcontest: A little boy or girl constantly insists that they really have a pet dragon.

Imagine Credit Pixabay.com

Special thanks to @mctiller

For more information about this contest visit:

My entry:

Dawn in the Forbidden City. Over 180 acres of wooden structures assembled as a gift to God. The sun paints them in magnificent strokes of bright reds, greens, and blues. And above all else, gold shines through as a testament to China’s wealth.

The North Gate’s curved roof may ward off evil spirits, yet the large iron doors creaking on hinges let them in fashioned as a procession of lavish carriages and well cared for horses.

“Wu Xing!” Came the announcement from one of the citadels. The line of carriages continued to roll inside the house of the Ming Dynasty. Walls towering on both sides adorned with murals of dragons twisting in playful poses.

Today happened to be a very special day, the grandest day of them all, the Emperor’s birthday.

He would be 10-years-old today. The monks prayed for a long life in front of him filled with happiness and wealth. His marriage already planned in eight years.

Only today he had a different guest, Wu Xing.

Wu Xing, the greatest warrior living in China. He had fought campaigns in the south against nameless hordes and sea creatures of lore, bringing him much fame and wealth. Only what sort of reception would the Emperor give him?

Some in court worried that inviting a powerful guest like Wu Xing to the Forbidden City might lead to a coup. Only the Emperor’s Mother felt confident of her son’s ability to treat this guest to what he deserved on such a wonderful occasion.

The carriages went through several gates before entering the large courtyard of the main house where the power in China resided. The endless line of horse pulled carts parked themselves in neat rows occupying about a quarter of the interior square. All around soldiers stood at the ready in colorful uniforms in celebration of the event.

Wu Xing exited his carriage like a giant bear. He squinted looking up at the radiant sun, then began to walk toward the main house ascending stone steps that seemed to lead all the way to heaven.

The air even thinned at the top of the stairs. Wu Xing stood still sweating and out of breath as he waited to enter the palace. He didn’t know what to expect from a child ruler. However, as a father of three boys he hoped to find a way to take advantage of the situation to prolong his career.

“Wu Xing!” Again the call from nearby citadels so that his name echoed all around the Forbidden City.

Guards pulled open a curtain and Wu Xing took the cue to walk inside. What he found made him think of a monastery he’d plundered, only with richer equipment.

Calligraphy brushes sat at the ready with black ink poured into wooden bowls. Some discarded characters thrown to the floor. Unrolled scrolls filled with tales lay about on lush carpets with fine silk pillows. Attendants stood on the edges of the room in a meek bow. While woman rushed around playing tag with the child who stood at the center of it all. The boy stopped to look at Wu Xing with pink cheeks in good spirits.

“Hello, would you like to see my pet dragon.”

“Pet dragon?” Wu Xing asked a little off guard.

“Yes, my pet dragon. I keep it outside. If you follow me I’ll show it to you.”

The child Emperor then began to run toward another exit away from the entrance where Wu Xing had arrived. He followed in hurried steps. All the while eyes watched him.

They went through another curtain, and once again Wu Xing found himself outside high above the surrounding landscape. Only this smaller courtyard happened to be filled with polished gold coins.

“There he is! That’s my pet dragon Zongzi!” The Emperor exclaimed pointing at eight dragon dancers with poles in their hands carrying a dragon motif suspended overhead. It’s large head and bulging eyes looking playful and silly.

“Good luck and good fortune,” said Wu Xing smiling.

“Mother said it has sharp teeth and claws.”

“Really?” Asked Wu Xing looking down at the little boy who ruled the world, the thought of twisting his tiny head off with his bare hands and claiming the kingdom as his own came to mind.

And right on cue, as if the dragon dancers could read his mind, they shrugged off the dragon motif on poles, to reveal the spears they held. All eight dancers then threw the lances that sliced Wu Xing like sharp claws and shredded him like a dragon’s teeth.

Thank you,
Cyrus Emerson

Red Roses the audiobook for your consideration at the Voice Arts Awards (NYC), and the Grammys (LA).

Red Roses narrated by Kira Omans
Red Roses Dress.jpg

Red Roses music by Rike Luxx

Red Roses sound by Pond5

Also, available from The Author:

Fear and Loathing in the State of Jefferson - ebook

Lost Angel – Introduction with Ray Manzarek of The Doors

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