twenty four hour short story contest | Ten years to out smart a madman


Here is my entry for @mctiller 24 hour short story challenge - A ten year old is put in prison located on the dark side of the moon.-

Also thanks to @curie for helping fund this contest.

Ten years to out smart a madman

Try as he might, Marcus couldn't imagine how deprived of life on the dark side of the moon would be. He knew, from the comics and books he's read that it how it was cold, freezing cold and devoted of oxygen. but other then that he was clueless. The small window offered him a gimps of the moons surface and the dead dreamless world beneath him.
Artificial lights illuminated a section of the surface. Three small buildings sat off to the side. Opposite of them the landing zone. but where was the prison?

If the judge and jury assessment was correct, Marcus should have been able to figure to the setup. A bright boy, the judge said, but somethings not right with him. the judge rambled of a list of trumped up charges in the hopes that the only witness to the judges own crimes be held in the Luna prison for long enough to "forget" what he saw that night.
The landing pod made a smooth touchdown on the moon. Marcus the fear he denied the entire transport from Earth hit him all at once. He had not been told much how is life would be for the next five years. Which he thought rude of the guards and judges. They see it fit to imprison a young boy and yet somehow neglect the fill in the details. no comfort, no shoulder, not even the answers to the questions he asked over and over in his holding cell. Did he deserve such treatment? Would this be his tomb? How long was he to survive and when and if he returned to Earth

The pod doors unlatched. Marcus took a step back only now realizing that the only thing that came between him and the surface of the moon was the inch thick door of his holding cell. There were no other doors in the pod and no spacesuit of that matter. Another noise form the doors as they started to open. two guards walked then the doors closed behind them. Both guards were dress in full space suits. They grabbed him by the arm and drug him towards the door.
"What are you doing!" Marcus screamed "You can't just drag me out onto the surface of the moon with out--"

One of the guards slapped him across the face. "Shut up boy." they said "be grateful that your going to be the first person on the moon without a suit.

"wh-what are you talking about?" Marcus became frantic. He kicked and tried to free himself but the guards overpowered him.

"Stupid boy." The other guard said."Your not going to prision . Ever since you left the Earth, you've been breathing in an experimental toxin." The guard waited for a moment before continuing. "If it works you will be able the breath on the surface of the moon just as on Earth.

"And if it dose not work?" Marcus said

"then you die." the first guard said as if Marcus were nothing more then a lab mouse. "And we find another and another and another until the toxin works."

"No more of these questions" the second guard demanded. "It's time to find out if my experiment works."

they dragged Marcus next to the door, they held him there. A few moments later the door began to open again, the guards shoved Marcus out of the pod and onto the moons surface exposing him to the open emptiness.

The guards watched from the safety of the pod as Marcus stood alone. He looked around in amazement as the toxin to work. Marcus keeled to the ground and ran his hands through the moons surface. He breath in deep not knowing how he was able to breath. Whatever this toxin was it work. IT WORKED. The guards reopen the doors and stepped onto the Moon.

"It worked, I know it, I KNEW my invention would work." the guard said through his suit. " Ha Ha Ha, soon everyone will be able to walk the moon with out a suit just as on Earth." The guard looked to Marcus. " And just think of it, I will be the first person to experience it"

he second guard spoke "But Sir, what about the boy?"

"Oh, the boy, poor boy, he didn't survive the journey." He said stepping closer to Marcus. "The toxin was to much for his weak body."

Marcus tried to run but the guard caught him. "A triple does of the toxin should back up the story nicely. Now back into the pod with you boy."

Marcus broke free from the guards and took off in the opposite direction. Past the flood lights and into the darkness. The guards followed.

"Where the hell did he go?" the first guard said "Damn it, find him."

"How? it's pitch black out here"

Marcus knew better then to run strait out into nothingness. He soon circled around to the rocket and flood light. Once close to the rocket he unplugged the flood lights leaving the entire area in a pitch black death. From there he found his way to the rockets main cockpit. He locked the door behind him. "Thank goodness for modern technology" he said to himself as he tapped a few buttons causing the rocket to jump to life. "Activate voice command" he said.

~voice command activated~ the female computerized voice respond.

"Take me home, Please."

~I detect the absence of two humans, is this correct?~

"yes, that's correct"

~Do you still wish to go ahead?~

Marcus thought about the question. "Release the holding pod and illuminate it, then take me home"

Marcus did not want to outright be responsible for the death of the two guards. Now they will have a choice, to breath in the toxin and live a long life in the darkness of the moon or simple allow their oxygen to run out and well....
As the rocket flew through space, Marcus relaxed and allowed to let his mind wonder. "Voice command"


"Play me some music- some Pink Floyd- Dark Side of the Moon."

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