This is a sci-fi short story, one that you will enjoy at that. It is centered around a prison warden from the most difficult prison in the galaxy who is about to retire and reminisces about the most difficult prisoners during his tenure. It was inspired as a challenge by @mctiller with nice rewards attached. Here is the post link, click here.





There was a knock on the door, come in warden Hadley mumbles. It was one of the prison guards, John who also happened to be one of the closest among the guards to warden Hadley. John was tall and oversized sprite, scruffy brown hair, blue eyes and clean shaven mustache. These two have always had each other's backs right from the time they could remember, it was more like a friendship meant to be. None had ever crossed their boundaries between the two, except one time warden Hadley suspended John for coming late and also loosing his cool with Diba, one of the most difficult prisoners they had.

Please have a sit, warden Hadley beckoned John. If you didn't know better you would think the two were purely co-workers. Weee-ell i just came by to see if there was anything you needed, John grumbled. Warden Hadley drops a light smile on his face, am alright my friend he replies. Although i would very much love if you could call guard Liam for me, the spark waves are acting up again and i can't seem to beam anyone. John immediately rose up and proceeded to bidding warden Hadley's request. This prison was becoming too small he thought, it was an all females prison that contained many species like Dekszals, Upice, sprite, and many others.

Warden Hadley took a slow glance around the room as though he was searching for something. This place was like home to him, he had devoted all his life to this prison and spent most of his time in this very office. Staring at his right hand side, hanging on the wall was a painting portrait of himself. He seemed more chubby in the portrait as he murmured something inaudible to himself.

The portrait had been painted by one of the prisoners, Diba who was in for murder and was serving a life sentence. She had this Resra accent from the Upice species, ears like an Elf, brown eyes and very long black hair. According to the reports, a body had been found dead in the restroom of one of the galaxy's most popular pubs, El vitate. All the security chimeras as the galaxy called them had no recordings of the killer. Forensics too scoped the body and the area also for fingerprints but came up empty. The case was supposed to end up in the air storm (closed files storage) until Diba walked right into the G-force station and confessed to the murder. Till today nobody knows if she did it for sure or not. Diba had this hot temper and always got into trouble with the guards.

This one time during lunch period, She was in the queue where dried wheat bread and gnome butter was being served when she suddenly launched a blow on a fellow inmates jaw sending her to the very ground she walked on. Before the guards could reach her, Diba had made sure to leave her fist marks on the inmates face tearing the cloth as other inmates cheered on. Diba was immediately sent to the Teflon (hot room partially exposed to the suns harsh rays). This would eventually lead to dehydration and shedding of skin which is a painful process. It was later discovered that she had stolen one of the guards Lingua (sort of keycard) and where she was caught would marvel you. She was caught in the kitchen trying to steal some gnome back to her cell, she claims the servers don't put enough gnome when serving and refuse to add more when pleaded with. Eating bread without enough gnome causes her gull to itch she claims. Of course she was once again sent back to the Teflon, this time with no Lingua. Warden Hadley resolved the issue and the portrait was her way of saying thank you. Nonetheless she still caused some trouble now and then giving everyone headaches for their time.

Warden Hadley's gazed shifted from the portrait to something iconic on his table. It was a grey horse mold. It had cracks around it's head almost as though it had been glued together. The warden received this from his ex-wife who had Blaired him (divorce) because he spent just too much of his time at the prison. It wasn't the horse that drew his attention in but the cracks, they held a memory in between the lines. Warden hadley had just started newly then and had not known about most of the prisoners, so he always granted them an audience in his office whenever they requested to see him maybe because they had good ideas that should be implemented or similar.

So on that cold morning, Shirley the maniac (as you would find the reason for the name soon) requested a meet with warden Hadley and it was granted. She had this yellow eyes, dark short hair and peach skin which was a similarity for all Killarneys, a species of the galaxy. Shirley was in for drug abuse and was serving 6 years, this was her sixth month. Warden Hadley was seated on his usual seat when his secretary knocked and ushered Shirley in. She came in and sat down calmly while the warden was still busy signing some papers on his table. When he finally raised his head, he saw a naked Shirley sitting in her chair. He summoned her to put her clothes back on but she launched an attack on him attempting to kiss him. By this time she was already on his table pushing all the contents of the table to the floor. Before warden Hadley could react, his mud horse was already on the floor in pieces. (He thought to himself at this point if his marriage would have still been a thing if the horse had not broken).

Shirley lay on his table as she spread her two skinny legs wide. The warden tried to close her legs when when ultimately reached out for his holster and grabbed his shock blaster 1958. He was now at a disadvantage, how would he explain this? Shirley was now in control as she summoned him to come make love to her. It was then guard John knocked and as Warden Hadley shouted for him to come in, Shirley fired a shot at the door but missed John who was swift enough to dodge it. Both the Warden and John rush to her as they seized the weapon from her grasp while she laughed like someone who was possessed.

Warden Hadley thought to himself, this was the exact moment John and himself became close friends. Shirley had another year added to her sentence for assault. Warden would still get news from time to time of her escapades with other guards, especially one time she managed to trick a guard into buying her drugs that almost got her killed because they were from a knockoff.

The warden kept gazing around his office, there were other prisoners who gave him trouble but they didn't leave any memories in his office and he was thankful for that. A knock raps on the door pulling him out of his thoughts as guard Liam enters...



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