Twenty-four short story contest.-- “We’re headed to Madam Maxime’s at the edge of the universe.”


The central computer woke us up from the vital suspension.

187 Earth years have elapsed since we started on this journey from the earth to the ends of the universe.

The crew, consisting of three men and three women, all theoretical physicists, were chosen in the name of humanity to approach Madam Maxime's on the edge of the universe.

200 years ago, humanity made contact with a signal of very low frequency, and researchers from all space centers of different countries, managed to decipher a security code in which navigation strategies were encrypted to approach the edge of the universe.

This scientific project was given the name "Madam Maxime's at the edge of the universe."

Immediately after the ship was responsible for awakening us from the long lethargy, we proceeded each one to begin with the work assigned to us.

I was the youngest crew member and was in charge of the manual navigation for the approach to the objective.

The commander of the mission Dr. Munard, inspired security for his long space career at NASA, having commanded more than 25 space missions was the right man to command the mission.

From his command post, Dr. Munard began directing the manual approach to the end of the universe, we were all very nervous to face the unknown.

However, Dr. Munard, remained calm and focused, as if he knew where we were going, as if life had put him at the end of his career in that place, he had prepared himself from a very young age for that day and his destiny was subject. to the success or failure of our mission.

A powerful light illuminated us in the approach, the beautiful vision of thousands of stars made of that magical moment, a true spectacle.

Suddenly, the ship was captured by an external energy that took the navigation controls, trying to regain control of the ship with my hands, Dr. Munard told me to get away, that was planned. The light was becoming more intense but it did not cause us to be blind, it was more like a healthy energy that comforted us.

Suddenly, as if we no longer had body mass, we began to fade, merging into energy next to the ship and the bright light. Everything happened so fast and it was so beautiful, that we did not feel any pain, we felt that our life as human beings had ended and we had transformed ourselves into energy. Beginning and end of that beautiful act, the alpha and the omega of a wonderful beginning.

We were outside the universe that we knew, a finite and unreal space, we were pure and healthy vital energy, so we stayed a long period, growing each time in different forms of elements that we knew in our old universe.

Suddenly, an impressive explosion caused us to begin to expand through the empty space in which we were, planets, stars and asteroids began to form immediately, we were the center of that new universe that was forming, it seemed that our energy was the most powerful force.


We were in an infinite space, everything was wonderful, a new universe was born and we are part of it, without beginning or end, we were the beginning of a new opportunity for life.

The End

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