“This is the final boarding call for passengers Jake and khloe Collins booked on flight 606B Addidon airline to Disney City. Please proceed to gate 2 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for Jake and Khloe Collins. Thank you”.

The announcement were the last words Khloe remembered after the plane crashed, when and how it happened khloe couldn't recollect.
Khloe was laying right there on the ground, helpless and injured. Her left leg was trapped underneath a large steel from the wrecked plane.

“Help!!! Please, am stucked”... Khloe cried out in pain as a bulky man came towards her.

“I am going to count to three, and at three I would lift this but I would need you to help yourself out”... He said as he gave khloe a reassuring look that gave her some courage.

“Thanks, Khloe said as she slowly dragged her foot away.
He knelt down before her to take a look at her leg… “I would stitch that for you”...he said.
“are you a doctor?”... Khloe said, she needed to be sure if he knew what he was doing.
“Call me Dr. Magnus he said”... I am a Vetinary doctor so I can do a few stitches. He said as he shifted his gaze to her wounded leg.
“I am Khloe… Khloe Collins”... Khloe said as she let's out a weak smile. It was only then she remembered her son Jake.Khloe looked around for Jake, her 7 year old son with whom she had boarded the plane with.

“please have you seen a little boy around? , he is about 7 years old”... She inquired as fear begins to colour her face. She couldn't bear the thought of losing her only son.
“No but am sure he is safe, I will help you look around when am done with your leg… Dr Magnus reassured her.

Surprisingly everyone had survived the crash with only few sustaining severe injuries. Khloe’s palms became sweaty and she felt a thight knot in her stomach as the thought that her son might not have survived the crash crossed her mind.
Jake… Jake she yelled out, Mom!!! She could hear him call out from behind as she turned and saw her son run towards her, she couldn't fight back the tears of joy rolling down her cheeks as she gave him a tight hug.
Few hours had passed and everyone was gathered at the banks of the sea where the plane had crashed. First aid treatments had been administered to those who sustained injury.

“Anyone knows where we are?”... A skinny blonde lady asked, who is still trying to overcome the shock of the crash.
“In the middle of Nowhere”. .. Dr. Magnus replied…
“I think where we are shouldn't be what we should be worried about but how we can get out of here”… khloe said.

They searched inside the crashed plane which had broken into two from the crash for a way to reach the tower but couldn't find one. No signals on their phone, Khloe had a look far from mundane and Dr. Magnus could sense something was wrong.
“Something on your mind”... Dr Magnus asked… Khloe shifted her gaze from Dr Magnus to the others as they all looked at her.
“This is strange, There is no sign of any crew members in the plane and even if they didn't survive the crash… where are their bodies?”... Khloe said as she was beginning to panic… cold sweat trickled down the back of her neck.

Dr. Magnus let's out a hysterical laughter unable to believe what was going on. A plane of 126 passengers and not a single person could explain how the plane had crash, where they were and how the plane crew had mysteriously gone missing.

“We need to think of a way to call for help, write help boldly on the sand for any pilot flying to see or use a fire flare… someone out there might see it”..khloe suggested and everyone agreed to her plan.

“No one will find us”... Jake said.
Everyone was confused at what the 7 years old boy had said and everywhere became dead quiet.

“Son, what are you saying… what do you mean no one will find us”... Khloe said.

“They all left with a parachute while everyone was asleep. I tried to wake you up but you didn't mom”... Jake said.

Khloe unable to understand what her son was saying… “why would they leave a plane right on air”... Khloe couldn't hide the shock in her voice.

“oh No!!!... They probably knew the plane would crash”... Dr Magnus cuts in as he squats before Jake… “what else did you see”.. He asked.

“I heard one of them talk about how rich they would become after the crash”... Jake said.
Dr Magnus couldn't hide the shock on his face as the puzzles begin to fits into one piece and he realize they have been a pawn in one of the biggest conspiracy the world have experienced.

“No one will find us”... Dr. Magnus said as tears slowly drips down his face.
Addidon airline was made to crash because every member of the crew had been insured and if they were recorded dead or missing their families would be compensated by the insurance company…Dr Magnus continued.

“But that doesn't explain why No one remembers anything”... Khloe cuts in.

“We were drugged, I guess your son didn't drink from the tea that was served that was why he could remember all that happend”... Dr Magnus said.

Addidon airline was recorded missing and all passengers dead even though they lived in an unknown land living every day hoping to be found so that the truth behind the conspiracy of Addidon airline can be revealed.

This is an entry to the twenty four hours shortstory contest @mctiller
Original post Here

Story theme - "A plane crashes, all passengers survive, but the crew is missing. No one remembers what happens except a terrified seven year old".

P. S - All characters and events mentioned in the story are fictions.

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