Dragon - 24 hr short story contest


“Dragon!” A kid shouts in the middle of the school playground, his arms outstretched imitating a real dragon.

Children disperse across the playground and duck for cover in the bushes.

A lone child stands in the middle of the field. Her heart is beating loudly in her ears, her eyes scrutinise the sky with optimism.

It was only a game, similar to tag, only it trains them to stay alive. They learn to run and hide, but most of all it teaches them to be afraid.

Maddie isn't afraid.

The kid who’s turn it is to be the dragon runs over to Maddie and pushes her over.

He laughs. “You’re dead.”

Reeling from disorientation Maddie sits up, her hands are thick with mud along with her school uniform.

“I wasn’t playing.”

“Everyone has to play. If it was a real dragon you’d be dead. Dragons eat you if you stand still.”

“No I wouldn’t.”

“Oh, I forgot you’ve got a pet dragon.”

Laughter surges through the children as they spill out of their hiding places.

Maddie shoots a furious glance at those laughing the loudest. They think her pet dragon is a joke. She would like to see them meet her dragon.

The boy runs off to find other kids to terrorise.

Maddie continually tries to convince everyone that her pet dragon is real, but they never believe her.

Out of every child in the school, Maddie has the biggest reason to be afraid of dragons. She had watched as her home burnt to the ground with her parents still inside. She was too young to know what was happening but not young enough to forget.

The ring of the school bell, signals the end of playtime. The children moan as they make their way inside.

Maddie heads towards the toilets in order to wash the dirt from her hands and clothes, her Grandma would not be happy.

“Maddie where are you going?”

Maddie raises her hands to show the teacher.

“What happened?”

“The dragon did it.”

Another child answers before Maddie can say anything.

The teacher looks furiously at Maddie. Dragons are a serious threat to humankind and lying about the dangers they possess has severe consequences.

“You’re not still telling lies are you Maddie?”

Maddie shakes her head quickly. She's been in trouble before for talking about the Dragon she keeps at home. The adults think she’s lying and the other children think she’s abnormal.

“I think your Grandma will have to be called in.”

Maddie is sent to the head teacher. Her skin is flushed from embarrassment, she hates being told off for something she hasn’t done.

She sits waiting with the threat of losing her school placement weighing over her. She's not too worried though, her Grandma will turn up soon.

She’s looking forward to seeing their faces when her Grandma backs her up.

This is my entry to @mctiller ‘s twentyfourhour short story contest.

Find the contest here.

Image from Pixabay.

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