The invisible invasion - Twenty-four hour short story


I awoke with a terrible headache, the light from the ceiling blinded my eyes and my instinct to cover my face with my hand was stopped by a security strap. I was in a room in a hospital or clinical center; I barely remembered what had happened. However, the ringing sound in my ears again brought the memories to my mind clearly.

I was in the bathroom; I had just taken a shower when suddenly a sharp, deafening sound began. A buzz that I attributed to some digital or mechanical device.

I turned off the television in my room and disconnected all electronic devices from my apartment. I remembered that I even removed the battery from the cell phone.

However, the sound did not stop. Flashes of damaged devices, cries of neighbors and police entering my apartment began to fill my mind.

My eyes were moving rapidly from one side to the other without ceasing.

My thoughts were interrupted by a visit from a nurse. She brought a new bag of intravenous serum; I closed my eyes and asked:

— What time is it?

Surprised, the nurse dropped the basket with the bag of serum. Immediately she picked up the basket and ran into the hall.

Minutes later, a man of color entered, with a beard and glasses; he wore a gown, I assumed he was a doctor.

— Keep calm. Can you tell me your name? — Asked the doctor.

— I'm Doctor Jackson — he added.

— My name is Henry Jones

I tried to greet him, but the restraints stopped my hand.

The doctor realized my predicament and told me.

— We had to subject you to these ties for your safety. You suffer from a case of chronic hallucinations.

— We will induce you electroshock sessions to recondition your behavior.

The treatment sounded painful, but anything as long as I removed this stormy buzz from my head and ears.

I lost consciousness once again; I sensed that the nurse would have injected me with some painkiller.

Suddenly, a hand clamped my mouth and whispered in my ear.

— Do not worry, friend, I'm on your side, I also hear the buzz, Dr. Jackson's treatment will make things worse.

It helped me release my ties and brought a wheelchair.

— We'll leave here without being seen, trust me.

The buzz was still in my ears.

When I got into the wheelchair I realized that the person on the badge was not the same person who was helping me, it was probably stolen.

We went down a corridor and took the elevator. Until now everything was going according to his plan. At the moment we were going to leave through the main gate, a guard stopped us.

— I need the discharge order from the patient to let him out. You know what the procedure.

— I have it in my pocket.

The alleged nurse delivered a surprise blow to the guard, who fell unconscious

We accelerated the pace and left the medical center. A car was waiting for us outside. Another man helped me up and then drove quickly. I continued with the effects of the painkiller, so I offered no resistance to the kidnapping.

I woke up again in an unknown room. This time I was not tied to the bed.

When I got up, the buzzing was still present.

The stranger who rescued me from the hospital was sitting on the side of my bed.

— What is happening to you is a problem of resistance to change

— Your host is refusing assimilation.

— As soon as you stop offering resistance, you can use your new body.

What the hell was this man talking about?

He pulled out a peculiar device from his pocket, which projected a hologram of my head, showing the areas of my brain colored.

— It is useless to offer resistance Mr. Jones. We are a superior race that has inhabited your planet for many years.

— Your body will be taken for a superior purpose to that designed for your birth.

The buzzing began to intensify; I covered my ears and started screaming.

My consciousness began to fade. I could feel my memories disappear one after the other. My childhood, my adolescence, my parents.

My mind stopped after one thought, the memory of her green eyes, a smile. "Sarah", that name began to echo in my mind. Our first kiss. The sound of her laughter, the softness of her skin. The buzz began to diminish.

I'm in a car, driving, at her side.

The buzzing seizes me and I lose control of the vehicle. We fall into a lake. The car is sinking, she lost consciousness. Water quickly fills the interior of the car. Suddenly I'm under water; a thread of blood floats around her head as her long hair expands around her. I felt hands that pull me out of the vehicle, my hands reach out to grasp her, but they did not reach her.

I see how the car sinks next to her slowly to the bottom of the lake.

The paramedics saved my life.

Everything is clear now.

I hear a mechanical voice again:

— The host rejected the assimilation

— It is impossible! — The man shouted.

I took my hands off my ears and I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. In a low voice, I whisper:

— All of you should have let me die with her!

Immediately I hit him with my head, breaking his nose. The sound stopped.

The man fell unconscious.

I get out of bed and leave the room.

The ringing comes again and I realize that another man is coming closer. I give him a couple of punches and he falls unconscious. Again the buzz fades.

Now I know how to recognize them.

I go outside the building and get away from the place as soon as possible.

I make a promise to myself, while I run as hard as I can: "they will pay dearly for having come to this planet".

A car stops in front of me. I take a piece of tube from the ground to defend myself.

The man in the car yells at me:

— I'm like you, I can also recognize them. Get inside and I'll tell you my story.

I approach cautiously and do not feel any buzz.

— You already checked that there is no buzz — he shouted

— Hurry up! Get in the car.

And we move away as quickly as possible from the place.

— I am part of an anti-invasion resistance group. My name is Joseph. I would like you to join.

— As long as all of you don’t get in my way — I answered

I was determined to exterminate all aliens, so it would cost me my life.

Thanks for reading! This was for @mctiller’s Twenty-four hour short story contest:


Till next time!

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