24 Hour Short Story Contest Entry " The Pot Of Gold is Gone"


Noise could be heard coming from a group of leprechauns,they were almost done with the shoes they were making and could be heard talking to each other. Micky was exhausted as he sat beside his dad trying to complete his shoes when he remembered he was to guard the pot of gold for the night. He was so spent out and couldn't imagine staying awake all through the night. It was certainly going to be a very long night he sighed as he thought. In no time,he was done with the shoes and set out to the end of the rainbow. Sooner enough, he got there and decided to rest a bit.
Somewhere in the deep forests,was a certain man who was traveling a long distance away from his home just to find the end of the rainbow. Jaja, a poor man who wanted to be rich at all costs had heard stories about pots of gold at the end of rainbows and made up his mind to find it little did he know that it was guarded by leprechauns.
The leprechauns were creatures placed on guard by fairies who put pots of gold at the end of rainbows. They were solitary creatures that made and mended shoes and granted any human they caught three wishes.
He had traveled for five days refusing to give up,hoping to get the pot of gold but it just seemed as though the rainbow had no end. He had run short of food and water but hadn't run short of hope. His desire to become rich constantly replenished his hopes.
Micky on the other hand,had lost track of time while resting and had slept off. He was far away in his dreamland while Jaja continued to get closer to his fortune. And after about two hours of his adventure to find the pot of gold..(you sure can guess what he saw).He sighted a clover field ahead of him!!! His hope heightened and out of nowhere strength came and he ran all the way to the end of the rainbow . And when he few steps closer to it,Micky turned in his sleep and woke up. Jaja was worse than heart broken but still stepped closer and when he was about taking the pot,Micky sighted him and seized him .Jaja struggled but the leprechaun overpowered him and tied him up and then dragged him to their cave and presented him to his family.
Jaja was locked in a room ,questioned and punished severely because he refused giving reasonable answers. After two days,he was then asked to make three requests as was their custom to grant strangers three requests. Jaja requested for lots and lots of food,he also requested for precious stones and lastly he asked to be allowed to stay and work for them and he was granted his requests. As days passed by Micky and Jaja became friends and Jaja often accompanied him to guard the pot of gold. Jaja had so much gained Micky's trust and knew almost everything about him On a fateful day, Jaja had accompanied Micky as usual to guard the pot of gold when Micky started feeling sleepy. Micky asked Jaja to help him watch over the pot of gold while he rested a bit(Jaja was about to be fulfilled). He was about betraying Micky's trust but what mattered the most was that he had to be rich and felt that even Micky would understand. He waited silently and watched as Micky drifted to sleep. Jaja then took the pot of gold and ran as though he was being pursued by demons. Before morning,Jaja had covered a reasonable distance away from Micky. Jaja got home successfully and became rich and so Micky the leprechaun couldn't find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. THE POT OF GOLD WAS GONE!!!

This is my short story on steemit!
I wrote this topic for the @mctiller/writers-win-5-steem-twenty-four-hour-short-story-contest-for-march-13-topic-8-a-leprechaun-can-t-find-the-gold-at-the-end-of-the hosted by @mctiller

It was quite a complex topic tho..
But I was able to scale through..

Thanks for reading!


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