Twenty Four Hour Short Story Contest Entry "THE LEPRECHAUN AND THE POT OF GOLD "


Once upon a time, there lived a leprechaun named lala. He lived on an island named biri. The island he lived was a wise island where every single leprechaun was a sensible leprechaun.
On the other island, there lived ghastly leprechauns they always want to steel gold from the other islands. But one day an idiotic leprechaun said, “Let’s go and rob another island.” “Which island?” “BIRI!” replied the dreadful leprechaun.
They set off for the island of BIRI. The sensible leprechauns were working. But what was there work? FINDING GOLD! THEY LOVED TO FIND GOLD IT WAS THEIR PASSION! As soon as they noticed that the dreadful and ghastly leprechauns were coming, they secured their gold.
They knew that they wanted to steal their gold. As the eerie leprechauns stepped out of their ship and started to attack the island, lala got angry and started to attack the dreadful, idiotic and ghastly leprechauns one by one and they started to die.
The whole biri Island was looking at lala thinking how gallant he was to save gold. The dreadful and nasty leprechauns turned and started to run back to their ship. Everyone cheered and clapped and the news was spread like wild fire to other leprechauns on Island and the surrounding islands. So whenever the ghastly leprechauns tried to attack other islands, they used the same trick that lala used.
Day by day, the dreadful leprechauns started to become desperate, they had nothing to eat and drink. From that time onwards, they worked hard to find gold and never stole it again.

This is my first short story on steemit!
This was written in reference to
@mctiller/writers-win-5-steem-twenty-four-hour-short-story-contest-for-march-13-topic-8-a-leprechaun-can-t-find-the-gold-at-the-end-of-the hosted by @mctiller and I just wrote it this Morning ! Though the topic was not an easy one, but was equally intresting one.

Thanks for reading

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