Nina's Talking Dog

The huge man walked in with fast pace, bending to pass through the Door hole. He took a peep through the window from the kitchen where he was. He was going to steal away Nina's breakfast which her mother had made for her before she left to work.

Nina was still in bed, she stayed up all night to watch cartoons on the T.V. There wasn't a chance that she would get up early.


But her Dog, Jacky did. She had locked herself inside so that she could have a long time for an undisturbed nap. She prayed she would wake up to her usual breakfast-Baked cake and Yoghurt; but didn't have any thoughts that her breakfast would be another person's.

Nina was a little kid with very much fantasies and liked having her rehearsed conversation with her Dad whenever he was home.

She looked forward to today and had so much anticipation about her father's visit. She still can't answer why he doesn't stay home.

After so much time on the bed, she was disturbed by Jacky's continous bark. Jacky had climbed out through the window and ran round to the front where the huge man had let him in to have Nina's breakfast. Jacky sighted the huge man and hurried away back to Nina's room to warn her.

She was still deep in sleep, Jacky dragged away her blanket. The cold breeze brushed her feet since the covering has been taken off.

Nina was already feeling the good comfort of her sleep leave her. She woke up after so much from her Dog. Jacky wagged his tail so much and barked at the door. She knew something was going on but not what it was.

She opened the door to follow Jacky who was running around to get to the kitchen.
She calmed down already as she believed Jacky was happy about taking his meal.
The kitchen was untidy, this was not as her mother would let it be. She went in to find an empty plate with crumbs on the floor.

She fell to the floor and tears dropped from her eyes to the floor soaking the crumbs. Jacky ran to her and rubbed his warm body fur on hers. She held him close.

Jacky barked again at the window, and ran around giving her a performance of how the huge man must have gotten in.
She could hardly understand, so she ignored him and continued to grieve.
"I saw the huge man, I saw the huge man!" Jacky repeated.

Nina was dumbfounded by what she heard, she just concluded it was a dream. Yet she keeps wondering why she can't wake from it.
She stood up, and approached the dog slowly, gave him a pat on his back and rubbed its head so hard.

"Wh...what huge maaaan?" She stammered "How can you talk, I should be having a nightmare".

Nina waited for a reply, she wanted to be sure she wasn't just hearing her self. Least expected, she got a reply.

"I heard someone come into the house, I saw the huge man, I saw the huge man!" Jacky repeated "I saw him eat your meal, I saw the huge man"

What huge man, where's my breakfast "Nina cried"
Nina tried to find an explanation but still wanted an answer to the "how" her dog can suddenly speak.

She cared so much about the meal rather than her talking dog, and also about the huge man Jacky told to her.

Nina heard shuttling sound and ran to hide under the kitchen sink, she assumed the huge man was back to eat more meal, probably herself this time. She folded herself in and hugged her dog tightly, putting her hands over its mouth. She heard footsteps approach the kitchen, she counted the step with the knocking the shoe had given the floor. It became faster now as if the person had began to run but the sound became distorted as though the person had gone another direction from her.

She put out her head to peep, but at seeing no one, she came out from where she hid. Just then, she saw her Dad walking away from the house, Jacky barked at him. "I saw the huge man!". Sooner she understood that Her father was the man who had taken her breakfast. He was the huge man! Jacky was a talking dog.


This is my entry into the twentyfourhourshortstory contest organized by @mctiller

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