The Creature - Short Story

The night was falling, a man sitting on the sofa in his cozy room just finished having a cup of coffee and hurries to his office to continue with the writing of his book, suddenly he hears a very sharp noise that makes his ears buzz. Baffled, he gets up from his desk and walks to the door, looks out and only sees cars parked in the street, nothing different from the usual and nothing that can be the source of the strange sound.

"I can not concentrate with that annoying sound in my ears, I'm late in the delivery of the book" Victor thinks, his dog is restless and keeps pacing around the room, he decides to take him out for a walk in the neighborhood. It had been a few months since Victor had moved to this small apartment on the outskirts of the city, he needed to be alone and without any distraction to write.

A week passed by and every night at the same hour he could hear that strange sound, it was driving Victor crazy. One night noticed on the monitor of his computer that an interference caused the images to distort, the sound became louder and words that made no sense began to appear on the screen. Victor grew more and more confused by the things that were happening, he needed answers and he was very tired, since he began to listen to that strange and very disturbing sound he could not sleep peacefully, spending countless nights wide awake until it stopped. He went to the kitchen to have a cup of tea and then he went to the bed, trying to sleep.

A strange creature observes Victor while he sleeps, his steps leave blue flashes on the floor only visible in the darkness of the night, its wide forehead and small eyes recognize the room, it is not the first time the creature visits it, everything is still the same, the same furniture, the same ornaments, just a computer on the table and a lot of papers making it slightly different. The creature looks at the man lying on the bed and very cautiously places its hand on his forehead, Victor's experiences are reproduced like a movie in the mind of the creature, the man's body begins to convulse and his organs gradually stop working, Victor's life fades until he stops breathing.

The creature is satisfied, but this time it felt something different after sucking the life out of the man, but it needs to leave before the loud sound that indicates that the portal is open stops, every night that disturbing noise echoes on both sides of the portal. The creature hurries to return to its humid and dark cave.

The next day a neighbor finds Victor's lifeless body, no one is surprised at his sudden death, he did not have much time left to leave, he was very sick, a very resistant virus was consuming his life. His relatives visit his apartment and on the desk they find Victor's unfinished book, a dream he could not achieve.

Another tenant moves into the apartment and soon after he hears an annoying noise that buzzes in his ears, but this time the creature does not appear.

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Contest: @mctiller/writers-win-5-steem-the-june-26-twenty-four-hour-short-story-contest-a-man-driven-mad-by-a-ringing-in-his-ears-discovers-it-s-an

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