


Legend has it that millions of years ago there was a prince named Thespis, in the province of Ptia. Thespis lived in a glass castle, his parents, the kings of Ptia would not let him out, since on his head hung a tragic prophecy: if he left the imperial residence he could die. Neither was he allowed to have contact with other children or with the service.

Thespis spent her time reading about the ancient arts, painting or imagining living differently. I longed for someone to talk to and play with. He envied the children he saw from his prison laughing and playing.

One day Thespis was found in a magic book a spell. This consisted of transforming objects into the things you wanted. Few ingredients were needed.

Thespis was painting and meditating on what he wanted and how the spell could help him. First I had to test. I had read a lot about magic and had rarely practiced them. This time he would ask for a series of ingredients and those that were needed for the spell.

After the days they gave him all the ingredients that Tespis asked for. Apparently nobody found the ingredients strange.
Thespis began to build a small laboratory to mix and prepare the potion.

Many days passed and Thespis became increasingly frustrated at not being able to get what she wanted. I had tried with glasses, chairs, dishes and they had not changed their shape.

Tired, Thespís spent half an afternoon meditating on what to do.

At midnight he got up and decided to take the potion himself.

He prepared the brew in a short time and took it. I do not observe any reaction, stomach pain or transformation. Angry and frustrated he returned to the bed and stared at the painting he had done in the afternoon and said aloud:

-I just want to be like you: fly, be free, feel fresh air in my face, meet my little sister, see the sea.
With that thought Thespis fell asleep in a deep sleep.

Tespis tried to get up from the bed and could not. He felt heavy, he was very thirsty and hungry. He tried to get up many times but could not. He tried to take the glass of water that was on the bedside table, but could not.

Thespis felt weird. He tried one last time to sit up and realized that his body had been transformed, he no longer had hands or legs now he had long limbs with enormous claws. A huge tail protruded, it touched and its skin was rough, as with scales, it sneezed and fire came out of its pits. As he could Thespis went to the mirror to see himself and saw that he had become a Dragon.

He thought the potion had worked. Now he needed to practice his flight, but how would he get out? But, what a fool he was: now he was a dragon and he had a lot of strength.

He breathed in and sucked in air and leaped against the wall and fell in a resounding way, began to run and that's how Thespis could fly and experience freedom.

All were terrified to see the huge dragon in the room of Thespis and went there. They saw that everything was destroyed and they thought that the huge dragon had devoured the young prince.

The kings were left desolate. The young princess Thais was devastated when losing her brother. The kings interned in a glass cage to Thais, since they did not want to lose another child.

Thespis to see the sadness of his sister. He decided to visit her.

At first Thais felt afraid because she thought she was going to be devoured by the dragon. But he realized there was something familiar in the look. He approached the dragon and suddenly there was a connection.

-Thespis are you? I ask.

And he answered him.

-Yes, it's me Thais. You should not fear me. Create a potion to be free and here I am turned into a dragon. You do not know how far I've gone.

-You must be careful Thespis, my parents want to kill the dragon that ate his son.

-Then you must talk to them. Come Mount my back and I will take you to know the deep sea.

Thais mounted her brother's back and took off.

Thespis and Thais traveled to other lands, sailed out to sea.

Thais explained to her parents what had happened through Thespis, and they decided to leave secret the potion and the identity of the dragon. They would make it clear that the princess had bewitched the dragon, making it his pet.

Thais and Thespis conquered lands that annexed their kingdom.


The adventures of Thais and the dragon pet Thespis were known to all.

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