Time Travel: How Grandma met Grandpa



A little boy or girl time travels to when their grandparents meet.




“You were going to tell me how you met grandpa,” Timothy was as exuberant as always. 

“Yes, but we don’t get time together,” Alice was being the nice grandma that she was. 

“But now we have. Tell me, tell me, tell me..” 

“Okay, okay, sit down,” Alice made Timothy sit next to her on the couch, “So, this was in 1968. I was 20 years old then and was a head turner.” 

“What’s a head turner?” Timothy asked in all his innocence. After all, an eleven-year-old is not expected to know the meaning.

“Ah, yes, the head turner. You go ask your grandpa later. He will tell you. Now let’s get on with our story. It was a Saturday and was quite a pleasant autumn day. The air was misty and was filled with the aroma of the deciduous leaves crackling to life as they fell. The day was mesmerizing and it had to be enjoyed in its full glory. Not by sitting at home but by taking a relaxing walk.” 

“You used to go walking? You didn’t have a bicycle like mine?” 

“I did, but a walk had its own beauty. We used to stay close to where uncle Ben stays today. That house used to be our neighbor’s and there was a beautiful pond in their backyard.” 

“Wait,” Timothy interjected, “there’s no pond there.” 

“Well, there used to be. It had become turbid and dirty, so they filled it up in 1999. Ah, I miss that pond!”

“You even remember the year?” 

“Yes, because I loved that pond and of course, that’s where I met your grandfather.” 

“Then tell me more, tell me more..” Timothy was all excited. 

“Hahaha. That’s what I am doing. So, I went out for a walk and I was soon at the edge of the pond. It was always a beautiful sight, the pond that is, but that day in particular, it was, it was…,” Alice was struggling to find the right words, “ there was so much joy in the air and the flood of happiness was filling my heart so fast that I feared it would burst. The warm sunshine, the cool water bathing my feet, the trees dancing in the wind, their vibrant colors and then…”

“And then, and then..?” Timothy could not wait.

“… out of nowhere, a kid fell into the water.” 

“Fell in the water?” 

“Yes, I didn’t see him get in the water.” 

“So, he must have got in earlier,” Timothy suggested. 

“Not possible.” 


“Because he did not know swimming. He was struggling and crying for help. He must have been your age. I had no time. I just jumped in and the next thing I knew I was swimming to him. I then got hold of him but the kid was in fear and so taut that he was pulling me down too.” 

“Oh, no. What happened to you?” Timothy had horror written all over his face. 

“Nothing. I am here, am I not?” Alice could see Timothy relaxing again. “So, getting back to the story, I was having a hard time getting the kid out. More than that keeping his head above water. But just then a knight in shining armor arrived.” 

“Captain America grandpa to the rescue. Wo-hooo.” 

“I didn’t say that that was your grandpa.” 

“It was not?”

Alice smiled, “it was indeed your grandpa. Much like me he too was out for a walk and then I heard him yell, somebody help. A kid and mother are drowning,” Alice made her voice deep to match that of Aaron’s so that Timothy could know who said what, “and then he jumped into the pond. I had never seen anyone swim faster and he was next to me in no time. As we struggled out, we both were panting, and the kid was lying next to us. He was breathing but unconscious.” 

“Grandpa thought that you were the boy’s mother?” Timothy chuckled. 

“Hahah, yes, but at that moment both of us were worried about the kid so I didn’t bother clarifying. Your grandpa was the strongest back then. He flipped the kid over his shoulder and ran. I followed him. Good thing was that he had a car close-by. We drove the kid to the nearest hospital. He was fine so we left giving all the details.” 


“Now I remember, that kid, we never saw him again. Nobody knew where he went. He was as tall as you and looked…”

“Alice, we can do with some help down here,” Alice’s story was cut short by Aaron’s call from downstairs. 

“Grandpa’s calling. We will continue with the story after some time. Okay?” 

“Okay, grandma.” 


The one thing that captured Timothy’s imagination was the pond. He was a bit sad that the pond was not there anymore. He still wanted to see the place. It was a Saturday, so no school and therefore, he took his bicycle and pedaled it towards the historic place. In no time, he was there and laid his cycle down and crossed the fence. He knew uncle Ben, a fun loving cousin of his mom’s, so he took for granted the permission to enter. 

Now, the one thing that he had promised his dad was that he would not tell anyone that he could time travel. His mom was the only other person who knew. Timothy found no reason to argue on the secrecy part nor did he yet see time travel as a unique power to boast to his friends. Since the age of seven, he had been time traveling and it used to be scary in the beginning. Timothy would end up in unknown places amidst unknown people and he didn’t know what they would do to him.  

His father then started time-traveling with him to help him get used to it. It was probably his genes that started the time travel in Timothy in the first place. As he experienced it more and more, he could control his senses. He could decide where, when, and how to travel and how to come back. It worked well and he enjoyed the experiences. But today was the day to explore it once again. He wanted to see the day that grandpa met grandma. 

Timothy closed his eyes and thought about the day. He could feel the warmth rising from his toe to his head, a sign that he was traveling. Just then it occurred to him that the place he was standing was a pond back in the day and he did not know swimming. Too late. 

“Help, help,” Timothy was struggling to keep his face above water. He could see a lady at the edge of the pond diving in. She was with him in what seemed to be eternity and was trying to pull him out. Timothy was too scared and tried to hug around her. Just then he heard another voice. 

Somebody help. A kid and mother are drowning,” and a man jumped into the pond. Timothy passed out.  




Timothy had seen things first hand and had to return once the doctor gave him the injection. He then remembered that he had an unfinished business and ran downstairs to his grandfather. 

“Honey, what’s with this head turner thing?” Aaron called out to Alice. 

“Come on now, don’t be shy with your grandson.” 

“Why do I have to explain the difficult stuff?” 

“You mean, it was difficult?” Alice gave Aaron a slight furrowed look with her hands on her hips which was enough to terrorize the internals of a brave heart. 

“No, no, of course, not. I mean…” 

Somehow Timothy was enjoying the whole episode. He was not sure if he wanted to know the meaning of head turner anymore. He wanted to see how this dialogue progressed. He was in for a treat! 


This story is written in response to @mctiller's short story contest which can be found here

Image Courtesy: hschmider @Pixabay  

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